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Meredith sat in a chair in the corner as everyone hustled and bustled around them. "Cris, I can't do this." She whimpered as she shook her head, her hand trembling as it moved over her swollen belly over and over again. "Cris..." She whimpered as she grabbed hold of Cristina's arm.

"Oh, shut up... you already technically graduated... this is just for show... the cattle call, the final showdown... just quit your whining, straighten the freaking mortarboard, and get your big fat ass out there when the line starts up." Cristina muttered as she ripped her arm from Meredith's hand.

"You're so mean..." Meredith whimpered. "He's making my tummy hurt..." She whimpered.

"Stop that right now, you know that it's not mini that's making you feel this way... you know it's the fact that Derek is somewhere in those stands with your mother... probably half drunk just so that he can deal with her... Mark is probably flipping out because no one told him that she was coming along, and I'm sure that your mother is just so absolutely thrilled to be here, that there's no stopping the proud grin on her face and... blah blah blah...."

"My mother doesn't smile." Meredith grumbled as she looked up at Cristina. "Rescue me, Cris... just... kidnap me and bring me somewhere... anywhere else but here... I can't do this..."

"If you think that I'm going to swing your sorry fat ass over my shoulder and sneak out of this arena, you've got something more wrong with you than a child with extra shiny hair growing in your abdomen... You're going to do this... you're going to walk out there, get your stupid goddamned diploma, and you're going to grin like a stupid freaking idiot while you do it... because if you don't... well... well I'll cry... I'll cry, Meredith... do you want that to happen? Do you want to be responsible for that? Do you? Do you, Meredith?"

"Fine..." Meredith mumbled as she pushed herself off the chair, wobbling a little as she stood up as everyone stood in line to walk out for the ceremony. "It's just fine... I'll do this... but I'll remember that you were mean... and I'll remember that when my child is born prematurely on the floor of this arena because you were selfish and mean and cruel enough to force me to do this... it was your fault."

"You're in a roomful of doctors... one of them is bound to know what to do... Don't forget to name it after me... you know, to honor me in my endeavor to torture you totally and completely."

"I love you, Cris..." Meredith mumbled as she waddled her way towards her place in line.

"Yeah, yeah... but don't you dare going around telling people that it's my kid!" Cristina exclaimed as she disappeared through the crowd towards her place in line.

Meredith walked slowly towards her place in line, standing against the wall, she became very aware of the whispers of the people around her, glancing to her and looking quickly away. The noise in the room was distracting, and her ears were burning as she waited patiently for the ceremony to start. She was tired and in a bad mood, her ankles were swollen and she just felt awful. She placed her hand on her belly and slowly, rhythmically began to rub it as she closed her eyes. She sighed as a picture of her Derek appeared in her mind sending a smile upon her face as she imagined him standing before her. She imagined seeing his smile, his eyes, touching his skin with her fingertips. She took a deep breath and suddenly could smell his cologne fill her senses. She knew that it was just a figment of her imagination, and she even heard his voice.

"What do you think you're smiling about?" He whispered, his voice was tender and soft, and she didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to pull herself from her daydream. A hand rested delicately on her belly, and she jumped.

Her eyes flew open. Her mouth widened in surprise, and she gasped. "Derek!" She exclaimed.

He stood before her, his smile wide with pride as his eyes watered slightly as he looked her over. "You look so... beautiful..." He whispered, shaking his head as he kept his hand on her belly.

"What are you doing here?" She exclaimed, her arms instantly encircling him as much as they could, her belly pushing into him as he held her for a few moments.

"Why do you think I'm here?" He asked, pulling from the hug as he smiled at her. "I told everyone that I 'had to go to the bathroom'." He said in air quotes as he laughed.

"Everyone?" She asked, looking behind him for a moment. "Where is..."

"Oh... she's out there..." Derek grinned. "I just... I couldn't know that you were just a few feet away from me, and not be able to touch you." He said softly as he hugged her again.

"You left her out there by herself?" Meredith whispered.

"No... she's in good company..." Derek nodded as he smiled at Meredith's confusion as she tilted her head at him.

"Derek... you didn't leave her with Mark... please tell me that you didn't leave her with Mark..." Meredith shook her head as concern washed over her features.

Derek chuckled at her concern. "I promise, I did not leave her with Mark." He said, holding his hand up in promise.

"Then where is..."

"Meredith... she's here... don't worry about it." He whispered as he kissed her softly, hugging her close. "You look upset." He whispered in her ear.

"I am upset..." She whispered. "I missed you." She said as she felt the tears welling in her eyes.

"I missed you..." He whispered. He looked into her eyes and placed his hand on her chin, smiling into her eyes as she let a tear fall. "Just think about it...." He said with a smile. "This is your last official day away from me." He smiled.

"What about tomorrow? I don't go home until tomorrow..." She whimpered.

"Exactly... you'll be with me tomorrow... Did everything get packed already?" He asked.

"Yes." She mumbled as she nodded her head. "The truck left this morning." She whimpered.

"Good... then we'll get this silly ceremony over... and we'll all spend the day together... and in the morning, you and Cris can catch up with us..." He smiled as he ran his finger across her cheek, catching the tears on his thumb. "No more crying... this is a big day..." He smiled as he watched her eyes lighten up slowly. "I'm very proud of you, do you know that?"

"Mmm hmm..." She nodded sadly.

"Your mom is very proud of you... my mom is very proud of you... all of my sisters are proud of you..."

Meredith tilted her head, a slow smirk emerging onto her face. "Your mother and sisters?"

"Shh..." He said with a smile. "I wasn't supposed to say anything." He winked as he watched her brighten up tremendously. "We're in the fifth row... we'll be on your left close to the podium... we'll be watching for you... you look for us." He said as he leaned forward and kissed her lips.

"I'll look for you." She said with a smile.

"I'm proud of you." He smiled. "I'm proud of both of you." He laughed, indicating her belly as she laughed, her hand still rubbing it softly. "I'll see you both later." He said as he leaned forward and kissed her belly, listening to her giggle, she shook her head as he kissed her again.

"Thank you... for cheering me up... for finding me." She whispered.

"Thank you for finding me." He whispered as he kissed her lips softly, watching her eyes as he slowly disappeared into the crowd.

Meredith sighed contentedly as she ran her fingers over her belly, she looked down at it and sighed again. "Your daddy is the best..." She smiled, still feeling the tingling feeling of his lips on hers as the ceremony officially began.

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