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Derek heard the clanging of the 'Christmas pot' and the loud shuffling of feet and excited giggles of the children passing his room as they excitedly moved downstairs. He could hear the gasping of the children and his sisters and brother in laws as they brought the little ones downstairs, cooing at the gifts as they excitedly talked about all of the gifts that Santa had brought them.

"They're so loud..." Derek grumbled with a sigh, his eyes still closed as he shifted slightly in his bed, cuddling Meredith closer, and suddenly realized that what he was holding wasn't Meredith at all, it was her pillow. "Meredith?" He mumbled, looking up, finding himself alone in the bed, cuddled tightly against her pillow, that she must have somehow slipped into his arms while he slept so that she could sneak out of the room. "Meredith?" He called.

The door swung open and Joann stepped into the room. "Meredith is downstairs with everyone else... get your lazy butt out of bed." She laughed as she tossed her daughter's stuffed animal at him.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, shaking his head as he watched her disappear out the door. He covered his head with his pillow as he tried to block out the sound of the children running by his door, banging on it screaming his name. "Go away! I'm trying to..."

Suddenly, the door flew open. "DEREK!" Her voice rang through the room and bounced off the walls like a rubber ball. Keeping with the theme, she ran forward and jumped onto the bed. "Get up! Get up! It's Christmas morning!" She exclaimed as she hopped up and down, bouncing out of the way when she saw him reaching for her foot without looking. She hopped sideways and landed on top of him, hearing him grunt as she pulled the pillow off his head. "Out of bed, sleepy head!" She exclaimed, the happiness in her voice was so wild, so unwieldy, so strange, yet for some reason, it was extremely alluring to him.

"No out of bed... Into bed..." he grumbled, giving her a pouty face as he grabbed her arms and pulled her into him in a hug.

"No..." She mumbled as she hugged him back. "Out of bed... out of bed... It's Christmas!" She grinned.

"Meredith... what has gotten into you?" He laughed as she wiggled around on top of him. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his.

"The Christmas spirit..." She giggled.

"Oh yeah? Well... it looks like we're going to need an exorcism... because I think it's taken over your body!" He exclaimed as he touched her cheeks with his hands, tilted his head slightly as he kissed her lips, sighing against her mouth.

"EW!" The sound of children in the doorway brought Derek and Meredith's attention to his two nieces standing in the doorway.

"I'll give you ew! I'll give you ew! Come here and give Uncle Derek a kiss!" He exclaimed as he pulled Meredith aside onto the bed as she laughed and he rolled off the bed, chasing the two squealing youngsters down the hallway, laughing as they made their way down the stairs quickly. He stood at the top of the stairs and turned back to look at his room, expecting Meredith to come flitting out of the door any second, and when he didn't, he became curious. He walked down the hallway and towards his room, peeking inside, he found a Meredith shaped lump under his covers. He closed the door and clicked the lock on the doorknob. "Hey..." He said as he walked over to her, 'knocking' lightly on the blanket, he didn't hear her make a sound. "Can I come in?" He asked.

"Uh huh..." She said softly.

He slowly lifted the covers, lying on the bed, he rolled underneath them, coming face to face with her. "What are you doing in here?" He asked with a whisper, as she grinned excitedly at him.

"Looking for a little bit of Christmas morning love." She whispered, her grin softening to a sweet smile.

"Mmm..." he growled as he wrapped his arm around her softly, running his hand up and down her back lightly as he leaned forward to kiss her softly. "I like Christmas morning love." He whispered. "I thought you wanted to get downstairs?" He whispered.

"I do." She whispered. "After...the morning love..." She smiled, leaning forward to kiss his mouth, catching his lip between his teeth, she could feel his breath catch

"I love the morning love..." He groaned as he pulled her body closer to his. He pulled his head back lightly and looked her in the eyes. He smiled slightly. "Feels awkward... doesn't it?"

"It's your mom's house." She whispered with a little giggle.

"Yeah..." He chuckled. "With a roomful of kids... and parents..." He laughed.

"Look at it his way..." She said, raising her eyebrows. "Your mom... busy with the grandkids... your sisters... busy with the kids... the kids... all busy with the presents... why can't we just stay up here and keep busy with one another?"

"Mmm... I love the way you think..." he growled as he grabbed her and pulled her on top of him, kissing her mouth, deepening the kiss as he lifted her shirt, running his hands over her skin, sending shockwaves of electricity coursing through her body as she groaned beneath his touch, the weight of her body and the touch of her fingers on his chest gave him goosebumps.

Suddenly, they both jumped at the sound of loud clanging coming from directly behind the door. "SILENT NIGHT! HOLY NIGHT! ALL IS CALM! ALL IS BRIGHT!" The sound of Justin, Joe, Michael, and Neil came from outside their door as they slammed the metal spoon against a pot.

Derek laughed and groaned, burying his head into her shoulder as she giggled. "No Christmas morning loving this morning..." He whispered.

"I guess not..." she giggled.

"Maybe tonight..." He raised his eyebrows at her as she nodded. He rolled her off of him and ran to the door, unlocking it, he swung it open. "You guys are so dead!" he exclaimed as the four men ran off down the hallway towards the stairs. He watched as they laughed, descending the stairs, singing all the way, as Meredith poked her head around the corner, putting her arm on his back, running her nails across the bare skin as she listened to him groan slightly. "You... cannot do that..." he whispered, turning, he lifted her high in the air and launched her onto the bed with a laugh. He grabbed his shirt off the dresser. "Last one downstairs... washes the dinner dishes all by themselves!" he exclaimed as he ran out the door. Meredith leapt from the bed and chased after him, finding him throwing his t-shirt on at the stairs, she ran towards him and leapt onto his back with a laugh as he held her tightly as he ran down the stairs with her on his back. They reached the landing and all eyes were on them once again.

"You two certainly know how to make an entrance..." Mrs. Shepherd exclaimed.

"It's Christmas!" Meredith exclaimed.

"Where are my presents?" Derek asked as he made his way across the room to his chair, letting Meredith down to the ground as he sat down, pulling her into his lap, as they were instantly crawling with nieces and nephews.

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