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They unlocked the door and stepped inside, hearing the television in the family room, they hung their coats up and ventured in that direction. They walked into the family room to find Mrs. Shepherd sitting comfortably on the couch with Richie sleeping soundly in her arms. Meredith glanced to Derek quickly, as if asking for permission. He nodded lightly as he watched her face light up. "Mom... thank you so much for watching him..." Derek said with a smile as he watched Meredith carefully lift the baby from her arms.

"That's what grandmothers are for... to look after and to spoil..." She said softly as she watched Meredith cradle the sleeping baby in her arms, kissing his hair as she took a deep breath. "He was a little fussy about a half hour ago, so I brought him downstairs... I figured you'd be home soon anyway and would like to put him to bed." She said softly.

"Thank you for watching him..." Meredith whispered.

"And you see that, Meri... he's all in one piece... just like you left him." Derek said, getting a glare from both Meredith and his mother. "Geez... tough crowd..." He mumbled with a laugh as he watched Meredith with the little one. She kissed his hair over and over, his little mouth suckling as he smiled in his sleep. "Well... I think we're going to get to bed..." Derek said softly as he reached his hand out to Meredith.

Meredith looked up at Mrs. Shepherd again and smiled softly. "Thank you again for taking such good care of him..." She whispered.

"He's a very well behaved baby..." Mrs. Shepherd said softly. "A very sweet little soul." She smiled.

"Thank you." Meredith whispered as she carefully stood up holding the baby. "Goodnight, Mom." Meredith whispered as she smiled softly, holding the baby to her as she turned and walked towards the stairs.

Derek watched her leave the room slowly, her motions on the stairs were quick as she ascended them quickly. "I hope that you're being patient with her, Derek." Mrs. Shepherd said softly.

"Yes." Derek said turning his head to face his mother. "I'm sorry that she..."

"She was fine, Derek...she's young... and she doesn't know what he's thinking... so she's going to think the worst until she figures out what's best for her. She'll get used to it..."

"Goodnight, Mom. Thank you again..." He said softly as he smiled.

"It's never a problem, sweetheart. I'm going to sit down here and watch a little television before going to bed. You have pleasant dreams." She said softly as she smiled at him.

"Sweet dreams, Mom." He said softly as he turned for the stairs and climbed up them quickly.


Derek walked down the hallway to the nursery. He stepped inside to find Meredith sitting on the rocking chair in the corner, cuddling Richie close to her as she kissed him softly. "Are you coming to bed?" Derek whispered.

"I'll be there in a little while..." She said softly. "I just... want to sit with him for a little bit."

"That's fine." Derek said softly as he walked towards her. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheek, running his hand across his son's head as he leaned down and kissed him softly. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you." She whispered back, giving him a sad smile as she continued to rock in the chair. Derek backed out of the room and gave her a sad smile as he sighed, leaving her alone with the baby as he made his way to their bedroom alone.


Meredith sat in the rocking chair, her son cuddled against her. His hand reached out at some point and latched onto her shirt as she shifted him in the blanket she had wrapped around him. She listened to his gentle breathing as he cooed in his sleep, his lips smacking as he snored a tiny bit.

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