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Derek muscled his way through the throng of children attacking him for hugs and kisses, pretending that he was climbing a mountain as he laughed and chuckled, tripping his way across the room to the large red chair where Santa had been sitting the night before. One by one, the children climbed atop him, over him, around him, laughing and giggling as Derek asked them all how they had been and if they were excited for Christmas. Each and every one of them had a grin so bright and so happy, and Derek was taking it all in.

Meredith stood to the side, her giggles mixed with everyone else's as she sat down quietly against the wall away from everything, also taking in the sights and festivities within a distance. She looked up when she saw Bethany approaching her, and suddenly felt nervous after the display that had occurred just moments before when she was in Derek's arms, though she was grateful when she sat beside her and only asked her if she'd like a cup of coffee. Meredith accepted politely and Bethany made her way towards the kitchen as Meredith continued to scan the room.

Mrs. Shepherd was making herself busy by the tree, arranging gifts as Michael, Neil, Joseph, and Justin brought their share of children's gifts to their wife's side where the children could open the gifts when they were ready. Joann was tending to her little one, while Nancy wiped her daughter's runny nose and checked a bump on her head that she had gotten when she was roughhousing with the other children. Kathleen was standing over her brother taking pictures as the children climbed over him as everyone laughed and giggled happily.

The cheer was interrupted for only a moment when the telephone rang, and Michael reached for it as he leaned over a table beside the tree. He smiled as he said his greeting, and listened carefully as he talked to the person on the other line. His face was suddenly serious and Meredith noticed that he had glanced to her as he talked. He nodded his head, speaking a few more things as he visibly tried to remain calm. Meredith knew that Michael had called the sheriff's office of the town where she had left her car, and she could only assume that this was regarding her car. She sighed at the thought of her car being stuck in a snow bank somewhere in the middle of nowhere, and for a moment wondered what would have come of her if she had just stayed there. It was a ratty old Jeep, but it was her car.

Michael glanced up and watched Meredith watch him on the phone. "Meredith... it's the sheriff's office about your car." He said, holding the phone out. She stood up and walked carefully across the room, though for some reason, she was getting a nervous feeling in her stomach. She wasn't sure if it was just in her head, or the way Michael was looking at her. He had sort of a cringed look on his face, as if something was really bugging him as he handed her the phone, and she could have sworn that she heard him whisper 'sorry' as she took the receiver.

Derek watched as Meredith took the phone beside the tree. He tried not to make it too obvious as he tickled his nieces and nephews and talked with them animatedly. He watched as she said something into the phone, her face suddenly gone pale. He watched as her eyes began to fill with tears, her hands started to tremble. She sat down on one of the chairs, talking softly into the phone as she attempted to calm her nerves, and after a few moments, she turned and put the phone on the receiver. She stared at the floor for a moment and looked up, her eyes meeting his for just a moment as he shifted his nephew to his other knee. Her face was flushed suddenly as she stood up and moved quickly towards the stairs.

"You stay right here, buddy... I need to go do something quickly...I'll be right back..." Derek said softly as he set his nephew on the chair, gave one of his nieces a peck on the cheek and made his way quickly through the room over gifts and followed Meredith up the stairs. He took the steps two at a time, and everyone's eyes followed him as he disappeared into the hallway upstairs.

He rounded the corner and walked towards the bedroom that Meredith had been staying in, but stopped short when he passed the bathroom. From within, he could hear the sound of her crying softly. He lifted his hand to knock, and suddenly, the door opened, and he was flung inside the bathroom, pulled inside by his arm.

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