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Meredith rushed to the door and opened it, a grin on her face as Cristina put her arm down from banging on it. "It's about time..." She said with a shrug as she walked into the apartment.

"Oh! Pizza!" Meredith exclaimed as she grabbed the box from Cristina's other hand and carried it across the apartment.

"Meredith... that's for both of..." She stopped as Meredith opened the cover and grabbed two slices, one for each hand. "Us..." She shook her head as she sat down on the couch, watching Meredith sit down beside her.

"We need to be quiet... Der is sleeping." She said softly as she leaned against the arm of the couch, shoving a slice of pizza in her mouth.

"Mark said that he hasn't been sleeping."


"And he said that's all you've been doing."

"I get up to eat... and drink... and go to the bathroom... you know, the survival things..."


"Every morning."

"Eh... it's your vacation... your prerogative if you just want to get fat and lazy." Cristina shrugged. "As long as you're taking care of the... thing..."

"Hey, I'm going to get fat anyway, I may as well enjoy it... and it's a baby, Cristina... you can call it a baby..." Meredith said as she shoved another mouthful into her mouth.

"It's not a baby until it doesn't have a tail...right now, it's a thing."

"You're a thing." Meredith shook her head as Cristina laughed a little.

"So mommy didn't take it very well?"

"Mommy didn't take it at all... Mommy got rid of her slut daughter and refuses to pay for my last semester of medical school. Mommy threatened to fire Derek and not accept my internship..."

"Mommy is a spiteful bitch... and you're not a slut." Cristina muttered.

"She all but called me one." Meredith sighed.

"Mer... you're in your early twenties... you're engaged to a great guy... you're an adult...Mommy has no say."

"Mommy is my fiancé's boss... mommy... is going to be my boss... Hell, Cristina... mommy is going to be your boss." Meredith said, pointing the piece of pizza at her, she turned the slice towards her mouth and chomped down on it. "We're shcrewed..." She mumbled with her mouth full. Suddenly, they both jumped at the sound of slamming coming from the bedroom.

"GODDAMN IT!" Derek's voice came screaming through the apartment as something slammed against the wall.

"Hulk angry..." Cristina whispered, sending Meredith's eyes over towards the bedroom, where Derek emerged, an angry growl on his face as he grasped his pager in his hand.

"What's going..."

"I have to go back in..." he growled as he threw his shirt on, glancing over to the couch. "Hey, Cris."

"Hey..." She said as she watched him walk across the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "There's pizza over here..."

"Aw... pizza..." Derek said as he shook his head. He walked over towards them quickly and leaned across the couch, giving Meredith a kiss on the lips as Cristina handed him a slice. "Thanks..."

"Why do you have to go in, I thought you were here for a few hours..." Meredith said softly as she gave him a concerned look, watching as he walked towards the door.

"There's an emergency..." he said, kicking his shoes on.

"The emergency is going to be you dropping dead from exhaustion!" Meredith exclaimed.

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