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Derek swung Meredith in his arms, flopping back onto the couch as she giggled a little. "Sorry about the pickle..."

"I warned you." She whispered back.

"You've never complained about my pickle before." He whispered as he shrugged, watching as she tried not to laugh.

"As I recall... it was your pickle that got us into this situation in the first place..." She whispered as he gave her a surprised look as she laughed. She shook her head as she cuddled into his chest, her head resting on him as her legs stretch across his lap. Slowly, the room filled with children and parents as each stepped into the room and gasped excitedly. "See how much more fun it is to be down here when Christmas actually starts... not lying in your bed like a lazy butt?" Meredith asked as Derek gave her a squeeze.

"It is nice." He said as he kissed her head softly. "I like it a lot." He whispered as they looked up at the Christmas tree, the children running over to the tree and laughing as they looked up to their parents.

Derek held her firmly in his arms, the thought of his own child was floating through his mind as he watched the little ones smiling and giggling, so happy and full of Christmas magic. He kissed her head softly as she watched him watch the children, knowing exactly what he was thinking as he ran his fingers through her hair. They both looked up as Mrs. Shepherd approached from around the tree, her hands folded across her chest, her eyebrows raised as she turned an almost stern look into a hopeful question.

"Not yet." Derek shook his head.

"But...I want..." She whined like a little kid, watching as her son laughed.

"Dinner...We'll do it at dinner." He nodded with a smile, as his mother waved her hand at him and sighed. She shook her head with a disappointed sigh and turned away from them, smiling as they giggled together.

"She's really excited, isn't she?" Meredith whispered as everyone started to settle and sing Christmas carols.

"Well, I am her favorite." He shrugged as he laughed at her playful scowl. "We're her favorite?" He asked.

"Derek... is everything a competition for you?"

"Most things... yeah..." He shrugged, listening to her melodic laugh as he tickled her. "I'm a surgeon Meri, it's in my blood.

"What's in your blood?" Bethany asked as she flopped down on the couch beside them. "Secrets and denial?" She whispered as Derek's attention went to his sister as she smirked at him devilishly, smirking as she watched the two of them practically glow as they sat there together, their eyes definitely showing that there was something more to the giggles and whispers that they had been sharing in the corner of the room, not to mention Derek's hasty retreat from beside the bathroom that morning.

"Beth." Derek said as his eyes sparkled with an untouchable happiness. "Did I ever mention that you're my favorite sister?" He asked, watching as her smirk turned slowly to a grin, his eyes answering the question she wanted to ask out loud.

"Derek... you have a tell." She said as she tilted her head, watching as Meredith looked up at Derek and then back at his sister as they had a silent battle of smirks and sibling dares and watched as her eyes carefully trailed down his face to his arm, following his arm slowly down to his fingertips.

"A tell?" He whispered, watching her eyes, he followed where her eyes had gone, down his shoulder, past his elbow to his wrist and finally his fingertips, where his hand sit in the most revealing of places, Meredith's belly. It wasn't a conscious decision to place his hand there, yet it, combined with a couple other suspicions that she had been having had pushed her theory along. And finally her suspicions were proven to be correct when he moved his hand quickly, his eyes darting to his sister as he watched her eyes light up, a smile lighting it up.

"Bethany." He said, his eyebrows raising as he felt Meredith shift as she giggled slightly, unable to keep the news in any longer, she buried her face into Derek's chest as she slowly took his hand and wrapped his arm around her gently, placing his hand back on her belly, her eyes meeting Bethany's in a happy response. Derek gave her a warning glare, an almost angry response as he challenged her.

"Oh, relax, dummy..." Bethany said as she laughed. "I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Tell anyone what?" Kathleen asked as she walked over near them.

"Oh..." Bethany smirked as she glanced to Derek. "Derek's going to dress as a clown for Taylor's second birthday this year." She whispered, looking up at her sister. "He insists." Bethany smiled at the small scoff from her brother, and the tiny giggles from Meredith as Kathleen shrugged.

"And the secret is...?" Kathleen asked.

"I don't want Taylor to know..."

"She's a year and a half old, Beth... I don't think she's going to care..."

"Whatever..." Bethany said as she stood up and glanced down at the couple, smirking as Kathleen moved on to continue helping to get everyone ready for gift giving. "I'm going to go get some coffee... does the sappy dappy duo want anything?" She asked as she watched Derek shake his head.

"Meri wants some cereal..." Derek asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Alright..." Bethany smiled brightly. "I'll go get that for you..." She said as she flitted off towards the kitchen.

Derek could feel Meredith giggling in his arms, her happiness just radiated from her soul, warming every inch of his body as he felt her relaxing in his embrace. "So... that's two." Derek whispered to her as he kissed her temple, watching her nod. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" He whispered, kissing her again. "Are we... alright?" He asked sincerely. "Are we in a good place?" He asked.

"We... still have decisions to make... and things to talk about... but... I guess those can wait...at least until tomorrow." She whispered.

"Or tonight... on our way back to Boston." Derek said as he watched her give him a sad look. "Meri... I..."

"I know that it's not your fault." She nodded. "She always ruined my Christmas before, why should this year be any different?" She said as she cuddled into him, a slight sadness in her eyes as he squeezed her tightly.

"No sadness... we're here and now... and we're together, and things are right... all of the other shit doesn't matter, Meri. It doesn't matter."

"I wish I believed you." She whispered.

"I do too." He replied, feeling her energy slowly dissipate, her happiness drain slowly from her eyes and her smile. "Meri." He whispered, watching her eyes as they moved to meet his. "Make my heart skip a beat." He whispered, his eyes sparkling as he watched her. "Say it to me... make it skip a beat."

A small smile crept up her face as he watched her energy slowly returning. He watched as her hidden happiness pushed its way to the surface as she leaned to his ear and pressed her lips against it. "Our baby." She whispered, feeling his cheek move against her skin as he grinned, his breath catch in his throat. She couldn't help but smile back at him. She sat back and Derek watched as her glowing happiness radiated once more, remaining there throughout the morning and into the early afternoon.

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