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One more year later
- Christmas Eve

Mrs. Shepherd stood in her dining room getting ready for her guests. Bethany and Kathleen said they'd be there at close to four o'clock, and Joann and Nancy said they'd be arriving closer to six. She had yet to hear from Derek or Meredith of when they would be there. It was about one in the afternoon as she stood staring up at the Christmas tree, the early afternoon sunshine came shining through the window brightly. Her eyes lifted to the telephone as the sound of the ring came echoing through the house. She grabbed the receiver and listened to the other side of the line.

"Hello?" She said politely, sitting on a chair at the table. There was a long pause as she took a breath to say it again, when she heard a small voice on the other side.

"Hi." The woman's voice was familiar, and it made her smile, but it sounded small and sad.

"Meredith?" She whispered into the line. Her voice was concerned, the young woman did not sound happy at all.

"Yeah." She said softly. "I just... wanted to apologize... I won't be able to make it to Christmas this year." She said softly.

"Oh..." She said, her voice curious, as if she wanted to ask further questions and wasn't sure exactly how to put it. "I... I'm sorry to hear that, sweetheart. Is... is everything alright in school? Is everything alright with..."

"Everything is okay." She said softly. "I'm just... I'm just going to spend Christmas break here... in school this year. It's been... a tough year and I'm not... ready to go home just yet." She whispered, her voice was tiny and almost lost, and Mrs. Shepherd's heart went out to her.

"We're going to miss you, sweetheart." She said softly. "Is..." She said softly as she heard the front door slam loudly.

"Mom..." Derek's voice rang through the house, surprising her. She jumped from her chair to summon him. "Mom?"

"I should go." Meredith said into the line. "Please have a nice Christmas." She said softly.

"Meredith... please don't..." Mrs. Shepherd said as she heard the line go dead. She hung the phone up and sighed as Derek entered the dining room.

"Mom..." He said, his face was rushed and tired, his eyes had lost that sparkle that she had been seeing in them lately, his hair was a mess, as if he had left without even combing it. He looked generally disheveled and depressed.

"Derek... what's wrong?" She asked, setting the phone onto the table as he stood before her trying to find his words.


As soon as she asked the question, Mrs. Shepherd could see the hurt in his eyes, the confusion. He avoided eye contact as he searched his mind for the words that he needed. "Derek, what happened with Meredith?" She asked, his eyes darting to hers, looking into them intensely.

"How do you...?"

"Sit down, sweetheart." She said softly, reaching her hand to touch his arm. He instantly wrapped his arms around his mother as he tried desperately not to cry. "It's alright, sweetie... it's okay..." She whispered, rubbing his back softly as he held her tightly. "It's alright.... Shhh..." She whispered, hearing him gasping slightly as he tried not to cry. "Sit down... sit down, sweetheart..." She whispered as she kissed his cheek, leading him to one of the dining room chairs, she pulled it out and helped him sit down, sitting across from him. She watched as he leaned his elbows on the table, resting his head in his hands.

"How did you know it was about Meredith?" He whispered.

"Well... first of all... I know you... and I know that you love her very much..." She said, watching him nod his head. "Second of all... she would be here with you if it wasn't about her... and third of all... she called me to tell me she wouldn't be here for Christmas." She said softly as she rubbed his back.

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