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Meredith finished tending to the patient that they had been paged about, only to be paged again for another patient. By the time she was finished with that, it was nearly midnight that evening, and she was exhausted. She leaned against the wall outside an exam room and closed her eyes as she slid down the wall to the ground. She looked up as Cristina walked out of another room, glancing down at her, she gave her a roll of the eyes.

"What's wrong now?" Cristina grumbled as she kicked her friend's foot lightly as she stepped around her.

"I just want to go to sleep..."

"Well, they said sleep when you can... you should just find an on call room and go to sleep." Cristina shrugged.

"Maybe I will..." She whispered as she started to stand up. She leaned against the wall as she heard her pager go off. "Goddamn it..." She groaned as she looked at the message.

Cristina looked down at hers as well as her pager went off. "Me too..." She said as she glanced to the pager. "What does yours say?" Cristina asked, leaning over to look at the pager.

"Room 532... room 532?" She asked as she gave Cristina a sideways look. "That's the maternity ward..."

"Well, let's go..." Cristina said as she grabbed Meredith's arm and pulled her to the stairwell. The two girls trudged up the stairs and ran down the hallway towards the designated room. They stopped in front of the room and stared at the door.

"What is this, a joke?"

"What do you mean?" Cristina asked as she caught up.

"It's an on call room." She said, glancing to Cristina.


"An on call room... why would we be paged to an on call room?" She asked as she turned angrily towards Cristina. "So not only are we being freaking run ragged, now we're being paged to places that we don't even need to be? What the hell is this? I need some freaking sleep, I can't be answering pages to nowhere!" She exclaimed.

"Meredith... keep your voice down..." Cristina whispered, glancing down the darkened hallway.

"What? Why should I be quiet? We're being paged to a freaking..." Meredith exclaimed, stopping as Cristina covered her mouth.

"Maybe you should shut up and check it out... instead of screaming like an idiot..." Cristina said, pointing to the doorknob.

Meredith pulled Cristina's hand from her mouth and glared angrily at her. "Oh, I should check it out? Why don't you check it out? This is stupid... stupid wild goose chase and then I have to..."

Suddenly the door opened and Mark poked his head out. "Would you two keep it down out here, we're trying to sleep."

"Yeah..." Derek said as he opened the door a little farther, holding the tiny sleeping baby against his chest as he looked out at the two wide eyed, open mouthed women standing in front of them. "We're trying to sleep in here..."

"Separately..." Mark corrected.

"Separately... yes... we're trying to sleep separately..." he said, giving Mark a sideways look.

"That... that... you... you and... that... and..." Meredith stammered.

"You son of a bitch!" Cristina exclaimed as she grinned, stepping into the room, she grabbed Mark by the shirt, pulling him down into a full kiss, she smiled against his mouth. "You boys are so dead..." She growled as she stared into his eyes.

"But... and... and..." Meredith stammered as Derek stepped forward, carefully lifting the baby into Meredith's waiting arms as he cuddled against her body.

It Came Upon A Midnight ClearWhere stories live. Discover now