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Child after child sat on Santa's lap, asking for their Christmas wishes, and each receiving a Christmas gift from Santa's red velvet bag. They all laughed giddily as Santa talked and joked with them, smiling as they hopped from his lap to hurriedly open their gift.

"Alright..." Santa said as he sat up slightly in his chair, his eyes roaming the room as he grinned at his giggling sisters, who still thought it was something to laugh at, their little brother dressing up like Santa. He watched as the children began to fall tired, their parents starting to drift off as they visited and talked for a while. "I think it's about time that Santa got on his way... he has a million places to be..." He chuckled as he stood up carefully from the chair. One or two of the children helped him up and giggled when he pulled up his pants a little as he glanced to Mrs. Shepherd as she giggled as well. "Looks like Santa lost a few pounds from last year..." he laughed as he shook his head, his eyes slowly made their way back to Meredith, who had been sitting in her chair with her hot cocoa to her lips, watching him carefully the entire way. He nodded his head lightly towards the door, and he smiled as she stood up carefully.

"I think I'll walk Santa to the door..." Meredith said softly as she climbed over the sleeping children and gifts strewn about the floor, her eyes carefully on Mrs. Shepherd who was smiling proudly at her son and his girlfriend as they made their exit towards the front door. They walked through the family room door, turning the corner towards the entrance of the house, and Derek pulled Meredith quickly aside, planting a kiss firmly on her lips.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

"Your beard itches..." She giggled as she pulled away from him, rubbing her face as he laughed. "What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"Your mother let me come."

"My mother let you come?" Meredith whispered.

"Well... you know... now that she knows about us... things have gotten a little... more peaceful around the hospital."

"You convinced her to let you come?"

"I always had the time off." Derek shook his head. "And... you know... Bartson got sick... so she asked me if I could work... and I told her what I was going to do tonight... so she told me to come here...She'd find someone else to fill in." He said softly, his eyes searching hers as she felt the lump in her throat growing larger, the butterflies in her stomach becoming more intense.

"What you were going to do tonight?" She swallowed hard.

"I needed to give your Christmas gift to you." He whispered as he reached into the pocket of his Santa suit.

"Derek..." She whispered.

"It's Santa..." he laughed.

He opened his hand, and neatly placed in the middle sat a tiny red box. He watched her as she shook her head, tears coming to her eyes as she tried to catch her breath.

"Derek..." She whispered.

"I said, it's Santa..." He chuckled again.

Carefully, he started his descent onto one knee, his eyes still looking up at her as she kept her eyes on his. "You can't cry when I do this..." He whispered.

"Santa..." She whispered, giggling between her tears as she shook her head, her hand coming up to her mouth as she watched his eyes sparkle playfully.

"Meredith..." He whispered, carefully pulling the beard down so that she could see his face, his body facing the door, so that if anyone stepped in, they wouldn't be able to see it. "Now I'm Derek." He grinned a sweet grin as he watched tears fall down her cheeks. "Meredith... Please spend every Christmas with me. Please spend...every Thanksgiving with me, every Valentines day... every Monday... with me... every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday... with me...Every... single day for the rest of our lives... It's all I want for Christmas this year, Meredith... and it's all I'll ever want for Christmas...Meredith Grey... will you marry me?" He whispered, watching as her eyes shifted from his eyes to the tiny box as he slowly revealed the ring. A solitaire diamond, shaped like a perfect star, on a band of platinum. She caught her breath as the ring was revealed, and her eyes spoke a thousand words as her mind reeled in circles.

"Derek." She whispered.

"Will you marry me, Meredith?" He whispered again, his smile bright as he watched her answer with her eyes, and he waited for the answer from her lips.

"Yes. Of course I'll marry you..." She whispered, tears still rolling down her cheeks as she heard a gasp from the doorway. She looked up to see the tiny head of Timothy standing in the doorway, his eyes widened in surprise.

"OH MY GOSH!" He exclaimed as he turned towards the family room. Derek snapped his beard up to cover his face and turned towards the doorway as he carefully slipped the ring on Meredith's finger. "MOMMY! DADDY! SANTA JUST ASKED MEREDITH TO MARRY HIM! UNCLE DEREK IS GOING TO BE SO MAD!" Timothy's voice rang through the entire house as Derek's eyes widened.

"You had better get out of here before there is mass chaos..." Meredith laughed as she grasped his hand and helped him from his knee.

Derek laughed as he swung open the door. He pulled the beard down once again as he grabbed her around the waist for a full, deep kiss as they listened to the sound of people coming towards the door of the family room. "I'll see you soon, my love." He whispered as he slipped out the door. She closed the door and slammed it, standing sheepishly against it as everyone crowded into the hallway, grins abound.

"What?" She asked as her eyes sparkled with a happiness like ever before. "What are you all looking at?" She giggled as she grinned broadly. "Where's the hot cocoa?" She asked as she turned for the kitchen, leaving everyone grinning in the hallway as she made her way quickly towards the safety of the kitchen.

Have a nice weekend!

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