Change within

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I ended up staying the night at Emily's. No surprise there.

"Are we 'going to school' today?" I put air quotations around my words and Emily giggled.

"Yes. I have to go to practice." She replied, changing quickly and brushing her teeth.

I crinkled my nose, "but that's no fun!"

"Hush." She silenced me, but smiled.

"Only if you make me." I raised my brow at her and flashed her my dimples.

"Get over here, loser." She opened her arms.

"That's my word, punk." I retorted, but ran to her arms anyways. She kisses me lightly. Her breath smelled of mint, but her lips tasted like strawberries and I consumed her lips as much as I could in the short kiss. I wrapped my hands around her waist, pushing her until she bumped into the counter. I kissed her again and then grabbed her legs and set her atop of the counter, never breaking the kiss. She wrapped her legs around me, deepening the kiss. I pulled apart and bit my lip.

"What?" She giggled, embarrassed.

"Nothing. I'm just admiring MY girlfriend." I kissed her again and helped her off the bathroom counter, "gosh em, get ready for school. What's taking so long?"

She gave me a death glare and grabbed her keys and her backpack.
We arrived at school promptly. Just like always. I ran to the door to open it for Emily and she looked at me in shock.

"Aren't I supposed to do that for you?" She questioned and I just shook my head.

"Not today."

"Oh no, has THE Alison DiLaurentis gotten all soft on me?" She asked in mock-teasing.

"Pft, no!" I replied defensively, but Emily got out of the car and pecked my lips quickly.

"It's okay, I like it." She leaned down and whispered into my ear. Our interaction sent jitters through my body and I was almost positive that goosebumps were all over my body.

The school bell rang and Emily and I headed to first period, her arm wrapped almost protectively around my waist.

"Hey, Ali, haven't heard from you in a while." Mona pursed her lips at me as I sat down.

"Yeah, I just saw you at the party...?" I furrowed my brow at her, "I've been really busy lately."

"Are you sure it's not because Emily fields has you whipped? I've always taken you as the one who would never be tied down. You could get anyone." Mona shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Yeah, Alison is so whipped." Another random guy piped up randomly.

"True!" A girl replied.

"I am not!" I protested, but then met Emily's eyes, they reflected hurt and shock.

"I don't know, I've always thought that you could never fall in love or really be loved for that matter." Mona examined her nails and I glared at her. The class was quiet, but soon chatter erupted and I was alone to my thoughts.

I always had said that I would never fall in love. I mean, sure, Emily was great and maybe I thought I was whipped, but was I really? I didn't want to be considered weak and when you loved someone, that's what happened.

No, I couldn't think like that. Emily has changed me for the better, and screw it if everybody knows. With that thought, I stood on my desk, everyone's eyes focused on me. Including Emily's.

I made eye contact with her as I said, "hello, if you don't already know me, I'm Alison DiLaurentis. I'm a jerk, I'm a punk, I'm a bully, well actually I WAS." I paused, letting all of that sink in. The class waited patiently and silently so I continued, "I WAS until I met the love of my life, Emily fields." I looked directly at Emily and she was beaming. Good. "And yes, if you really care to know." I now focused my gaze on Mona, "I. Am. Whipped. As. Frick."

The whole class dropped open their mouths and Emily smiled. I motioned with my hands for her to come stand with me. She shook her head, embarrassed, until a few classmates tugged her up there. When she stood up with me, I took her hand and held it high. Cheers broke out throughout the class and even the teacher was shaking his head, but smiling. Then I kissed her, I cupped my hand to her neck and held my lips on hers for a few seconds.

"I'm tired of hiding it. I love you." I whispered so that only Emily could hear.

"I love you too." She whispered back and I squeezed her hand.

"Yes, well, if we could get back to the lesson." My teacher coughed uncomfortably. I muttered an apology and everyone took their seats.

Emily and I kept stealing glances at each other, and every time we made eye contact, my heart skipped a beat.

Now that that was out, the only other obstacle was our parents. However, emily and I had decided to wait. We would tell them eventually.

I couldn't believe Alison had stood up and said that. That speech took a lot of guts and I totally admired her for that.

Alison really had changed, she was definitely more sweeter and who knew that she even had a romantic side to her?

I twirled my pencil in between my fingers and waited impatiently for the bell to ring. When it finally did, Alison was by my side.

"So are you going to do that every class?" I smirked and she just blushed.

"If I have to, but word travels fast." She winked and I wanted to kiss her right here and now, but we were packing up and leaving class.
"See you after practice? Are you staying the night or going home?" I asked, holding both of Alison's hands in mine outside the locker rooms.

"First thing, I'm going with you to practice, and I'll probably go home tonight, but expect to see me on the weekend." Alison kissed me softly and I melted into it.

Our kisses never got old.

"Okay, well come with me to change." I bit my lip and released only one of her hands and walked into the locker rooms.

I changed quickly, loving the looks that I was getting from Alison.

Soon, I was in the pool and swimming/avoiding Paige.

Too bad it wasn't working.

"So I heard about what happened in first period today." Paige hissed at me, looking to see if Alison was paying attention.

Unfortunately, she wasn't.

"Good." I replied shortly.

"Oh give up the act em, you're not rude or stuck-up like her. Besides, you don't think she meant all of that, do you? She just wants to do you and she doesn't want to lose such a catch." Paige said right before taking off to swim a 50.

I growled and pushed off the wall too.

Paige wasn't right, I wasn't going to let her make me doubt Alison like I did last time.

Alison loved me and I loved Alison.

So why did Paige have to say that?

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