Getting the job

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I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. I had finished my application, and was ready to run it in and go for the interview. I gently shook Alison awake and she groaned in response.

"Come on! You have to look amazing." I kissed her cheek softly and hopped out of bed. The cold air hit my body and I realized that I wasn't wearing clothes. I covered myself instinctively and when I turned around, I saw Alison smirking. I removed my hands and put them on my hips.

She licked her lips, "you're such a tease."

"Only for you, babe." I chuckled and went to my bedside table to get out my undergarments. Alison did the same, now that she was wide awake.

Alison's nerves were getting to her, she applied her make up with a shaky hand. For some reason, I was totally calm and so I helped her get ready, "you'll be fine, love. Just be you and they'll love you." I placed my hands on her hips and kissed her softly at first. Then, I increased the pressure only pulling apart to breathe.

"Okay well let's hope I don't pas out from that kiss before I do the interview." Alison joked and I kissed her again, this time quickly.

"Let's go." I took her hand and we walked to the car.

Now my nerves were getting to me, but I clenched my hands together to stop them from shaking and took a deep breath. I inserted the keys in the ignition and steadied my hands on the wheel. Alison placed a comforting hand on my arm and I smiled in appreciation.

I drove and dropped her off at her job first. I gave her a quick peck on the lips before she went in. I realized that we had been kissing a lot more lately. As if we couldn't get enough of each other.

I didn't mind that at all.

I parked in between our job places and grabbed my application from the console in my car. I straightened my clothes as I stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath.

I opened the door to the brew, instantly hit with the delightful smell of pastries and coffee.

"Hi!" Talia greeted me enthusiastically.

"Hey." I smiled and handed her my application.

"Boss isn't in today, he said that I could train you though! You've pretty much already got the job." She winked and I smiled gratefully.

"Sweet. When do I start?" I questioned.

"Can you now?" She asked me, looking at me with her big, brown doe-eyes.

"Yeah!" I replied and she handed me a green apron.
I spent the next few hours filling drinks and taking orders. Talia was very pleased with my work because she kept giving me encouraging nods.

The store was a lot more busy than I expected it to be and when Talia announced that she was closing, I was collapsing on the chair.

"How do you do this? My legs hurt." I complained with a laugh.

"You get used to it, really." Talia giggled.

"Do I need to help clean up?" I asked, motioning to her sweeping.

"Yeah, you can take over this and I'll wipe the counters and then we can leave." Talia instructed me.

"Yes boss." I saluted, finishing it with a laugh.

She just rolled her eyes an handed me the broom.
I finished sweeping and threw the dust away. I wiped my hands on my apron, going into the bathroom to wash my hands.

"Here's your apron." I untied it, letting it dangle from my hands until it landed in hers.

"Thanks. I'll let boss know how you did and he'll let you know the days that we're working." Talia smiled and opened the door for me.

I walked out into the night, my hands stuffed in my pockets. I wondered how Alison did and so I decided to walk over to her job.

She was folding some clothes and putting them on display. She yelled to someone in the back and then moved to hang some shirts on the rack.

I loved watching Alison when she didn't know I was looking, it was like I was seeing her when she didn't have to pretend like she was perfect. Which, she totally was.

I leaned against the side of the building, crossing one leg over the other. I watched the sun set and I wished Alison was here to watch it with me.

As if on cue, I heard a voice behind me, "it's beautiful, isn't it?"

I turned around, instantly smiling, "yeah. How was work??" I melted into her arms and kissed her cheek.

"It was great, how about you?" She placed her arm around my waist and we walked to the car.

"Awesome! My legs hurt though."

"I can help that." Alison smirked at me and I smiled back.

"Okay." I started the car and we drove home.
"I'm not putting on clothes." Alison informed me, untangling our bodies.

"Me either." I got out of bed with her and we went downstairs to make dessert.

We made chocolate-covered strawberries and then we fed them to each other. Alison poured us a little wine and we sat on the couch. We laid myself in between her and finished up desert.

"To us?" Alison tipped up her glass.

"To us." I nodded and tipped my glass to meet hers.

We spent the night in the couch, just holding each other in our arms.

My thoughts drifted to my family. To my dad, and to my mom who was probably lay worried sick. I swallowed down those feelings when I saw Alison sleeping peacefully beside me.

I knew I loved her, but I missed my parents.

What should I do?

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