Chapter 204: Smiles and Flowers (pt. II)

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"Bella, can you please brew tea for us?" [Marianne]

"Ehh~? But I wanna listen, too..." [Bella]

"Come now, we don't want Big Bro and Big Sis to feel thirsty now, do we? Come on, pretty please~!" [Marianne]

The little girl's cheeks puffed as she pouted, but even with her cute way of protesting, she still followed her mother's request, a bright smile soon blooming on her face as she headed to the kitchen all the while skipping her steps.

Who were left in the bedroom was none other than Marianne, Grey, and Yuna. As soon as Bella left, a silent atmosphere loomed about them. Marriane then looked at Grey and Yuna's direction, still flashing the same bright smile.

"Sorry I can't provide you any better accommodation. I would have loved to serve you tea myself, but as you can see... I'm not really in a state to move." [Marianne]

"No, it's alright, bur... Missus Marianne, are you alright?" [Grey]

"Hm? What do you meanー" [Marianne]

"We know that you're still in pain. It's alright to relax yourself a little bit. Bella's not here right now." [Grey]

Hearing Grey's words, Marianne's face showed traces of surprise. She once again looked at the two youths before her, finding only worry and sincerity in their eyes. What followed after was a short sigh coming out of her mouth.

"It seems like I can't fool everybody, huh..." [Marianne]

At the end of her statement, Marriane's face which was once brightly smiling was now a little contorted and gloomy, finally showing the stinging pain she tried to hide from her daughter. Her face now looked more natural, her sickness really showing, a few coughs following soon after.

Well, it wasn't only a pained facial expression. Her hands and whole body were also trembling ever so slightly, feeling numb and cold. Just sitting up on the bed is already taking a toll on her body yet she stayed sitting, trying to be accommodating.

"Missus Marianne, you can lie down if you want." [Yuna]

"No... I should sit every once in a while. It's hard to breathe while lying down. It's the few pleasures I can endure." [Marianne]

Yuna tried to be considerate, but Marianne stood firm. She simply closed her eyes and breathed out a breath of fresh air. Though her whole body was pained, she tried her best to stay strong and accommodate the two.

"Anyway, I heard you are able to help me? I appreciate the thought, but as you can see... we really can't afford any sort of treatment right now." [Marianne]

With Marianne's words, everybody's eyes looked around the room. While it was true that it wasn't one one would consider bad, and just normal, normal citizens couldn't exactly afford thousands of kiels worth of medicine. It was only natural that she was pessimistic about the thought.

Well, with the minimum wage being at about 80 kiels a day and professionals working for about double the wage, it isn't exactly easy to save thousands of kiels. At the very least, it would take months worth of work. Not to mention that they also have to pay for living expenses. It was really difficult.

"No, we're not here for the money. We can treat you just for free!" [Yuna]

"E-Excuse me...?" [Marianne]

"Yuna... That way of explaining is... You can't just suddenly spring that up, you know? People would get shocked by that." [Grey]

"Eh? Why not? It's fine, isn't it?" [Yuna]

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