Chapter 324: The Princess' Determination

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"Lady Katerina wipes the floor with Lord Kyren! With that, the final four semifinalists for the Junior Division had been decided!!" [Konan]

Konan screamed to the top of his lungs and the usual boisterous round of applause followed after it. Ruckus and pandemonium was brewing in the air as the young lady waved her hand, smiling in front of victory she worked hard for.

She was exhausted and fatigued yet she kept on waving her hands, the audience chanting her name over and over again. Her parents were especially proud, crying their eyes out as they cheered for their beloved daughter.

"That's our daughter! Our sweet baby! I'm sure she will win the championship!"

"That's right, our baby is the star of Benedict! She's the best!"

"Father, Mother, please stop it! That's embarrassing!"

Soft and warm giggles resounded along the cheers, a young lady thumping her legs in protest, her face beet red from embarrassment. Yet her parents continued to boast about her, heaving their chests high as they proudly showcased their daughter.

Even the commentators couldn't help but chuckle at the scene, finding it a fresh lick of air from the intense fighting. It didn't take too long before the young lady exited the stage, the bells ringing just in time as the clouds continued to cruise the sky.

"Oh! Looks like it's 3 o'clock already, Partner. Time really does fly when you're out enjoying yourself, doesn't it?" [Konan]

"Hohoho! You said it, Partner! I never thought I would the day that youngsters would wave their swords with pride in the Carnival of swords! They truly are the hope and future of the Kingdom!" [Terry]

"Ooh~! I can't wait for tomorrow! The matches are already amazing as they were yesterday and today, but tomorrow will surely be the best!" [Konan]

"That's right! That's right, indeed, Partner! Tomorrow will be the semifinals and grand finals for all three divisions! So make sure to remember it, folks! It's a day you surely wouldn't want to miss for the world!" [Terry]

"Hahaha! Then do you remember......" [Konan]

With the conclusion of the Junior Division's quarterfinals, the Intermediate Division is just a couple minutes away. All that was need to be done was repair the stage and see to it that everything was alright, people excited as can be,

Amongst those people, a certain family was especially excited. They were seated at the highest of chambers, overlooking the whole Grand Colosseum. They took their seats with dignity, an aura of royalty exuding even when they were just sitting quietly.

"Next round would be Lisa's turn, wouldn't it?" [Archen]

"Dear, you have already asked that one too many times. Please relax yourself, okay? I'm sure Lisandra will be fine. She's already grown up." [Miranda]

"That's right, however, what if something happens?" [Archen]

He was the only one who wore a face of worry and anxiety. Rather than anxiety, the King couldn't help but fear something might happen to their dearest daughter, asking the same questions over and over again as his heart quivered from nervousness.

The Queen was also worried, but more than that, she trusts Lisandra. She may be a princess of the Kingdom, but she was also a swordswoman. She was a warrior who wouldn't go down without a fight. A hardworker was what she was.

The King also knew how much effort Lisandra pours into her training, advancing one step at a time as she honed her swordsmanship. She has grown into a fine young lady. Even then, he couldn't help but worry, hands shaking albeit slightly.

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