Chapter 280: Eight out of Nine

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Deafening shockwaves ruptured the air and sent disastrous tremors throughout the ground, large cracks forming one after another as the earth trembled. Clouds of dust were adrift in the air, lights flickering as the walls collapsed time and time again.

Deep underground, a fierce battle unfolded between a number of figures. On one side were large rocky entities who could easily crush boulders if they wanted to, and on the opposing party were a black haired young man and a platinum figure.

Of course, these were none other than Grey and Polaris, the latter now shapeshifting to a small and more agile panther form. Even then, he easily laid waste to the enemies before them, tearing them to shreds without much difficulties.

《Gale Waltz》 [Grey]

Grey waved his hands and a storm of blades flew out from his palms. There was no resistance whatsoever, the blades of wind simply cutting through anything that stood on their path. Be it boulders or golems, they were all cut mercilessly.

Some of the swifter ones tried to launch attacks from behind, but they were far too slow. Before they could even react, a blur suddenly appeared before them. The very next moment, their bodies were already diced up, some turned to fine dust.

"You insolent fools! How dare you attack from behind!" [Polaris]

Polaris ran throughout the place as if it was its playground, leaping from wall to wall and maneuvering like a free bird soaring through the vast sky. A bird of death which only brought destruction upon wherever he passed.

Before long, the enemies were quickly cleared out. They may be big, but compared to Grey and Polaris, their powers were severely lacking. They soon turned back into mana leaving behind their drops. It was a mountain of precious ores and minerals, some gemstones added in the mix.

"Whew... That really was something, wasn't it?" [Grey]

"How are you feeling, Master? Do you feel any discomfort?" [Polaris]

"Not really, but thanks for worrying, Polaris... Anyway, let's continue on ahead. We have no time to waste." [Grey]

"Understood, Master." [Polaris]

And so, the two figures continued down the abandoned mines. And as they traversed the dark and musty caverns, they paved down a path of death and destruction for the monsters who happened to cross them.

There weren't just golems. From slimes, to goblins, skeletons, and even liches, there were a plethora of monsters to be seen. Even then, they all suffered the same fate in the hands of Grey and Polaris, reduced to dust as if they didn't exist in the first place.

Before long, they finally arrived at their designation, a beautiful, green gleam shining throughout the mines as Grey's little orbs of light illuminated the place. The glow was so beautiful, it was easy to fall in love with it. There was just one problem...

Guraakkkk Khiieeeekkkk Kururuuukkk

... It was that the place was flooded with monsters, a pandemonium of noise ringing throughout the depths of the mines as they approached it. Just a quick glance alone and one could easily tell there were thousands of them.


To top it all off, there was a Golem King present in the cavern. It was so big, it barely fit in the mines, looking like a doll stuck inside its tight container. It was an S-rank monster as well, a single mistake could cause the mines to collapse.

"This place is swarming with trash... Please leave this to me, Master. I'll make sure to thoroughly clean the place up." [Polaris]

"Hmm... Alright, I'll leave it to you, Polaris. Good luck." [Grey]

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