Chapter 255: A Silly Little Argument

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The world has woken up yet again, the sun bringing the day as it closed the curtains of the night. With the stars fading slowly from the sky, clouds of gray and white revealed themselves clearer than ever, drifting in the vast sky of blue.

A lone figure awoke in a large room, on his back was a softness like the fluffy looking clouds and comfort filled with warmth. He gazed and he turned, a silent yet beautiful star greeting him by his side. It was Yuna.

The young lady was still sleeping soundly, subtle snores fleeting in the air as her chest heaved up and down, ears twitching from time to time. The gentle sunlight seeping through the window only served to accentuate her delicate beauty.

"Cute..." [Grey]

Grey mumbled softly, lifting his body ever so slowly as to not disturb the sleeping princess. He reached out his hand, caressing her soft and supple cheeks, soon leaning closer and he drew his lips towards hers, his eyes burning fiercely with passionーOr so it should have been.

But before he could even lean in for a kiss, he suddenly stopped, eyes wide open as if he had just seen a ghost. He was frozen, and the moment he moved, he drew back his hand, and got out of bed, soon heading out of the room.

'Dammit! That was dangerous!' [Grey]

Dangerous, indeed. And it wasn't the first time it happened. In fact, it happens almost every morning, and every time, Grey only manages to stop himself just barely before it's too late. Every single time was a close call.

There is nothing wrong with a good morning kiss between couples, nothing at all. But Grey knew deep down just what kind of adult thoughts ran inside his mind at that very moment, one which wouldn't stop with just a kiss.

Though there is nothing wrong with falling deeper and deeper for his beloved, the more he does, the greedier he becomes. Now, he feels like a shameless, starving beast who just wants to devour Yuna at any moment he could, his greed getting harder and harder to sate.

'Haah... I really need to cool myself down...' [Grey]

And cool his head he did. After making a quick breakfast for Yuna, Grey quickly took a shower and headed towards his workshop to forge some equipment. After all, what better way to clear one's mind than put it to heavy but rewarding work?

With Grey's leave, the house has become quiet once again, the leaves swaying softly by the whistling winds and the chimes ringing as they danced. It was peaceful as one can be, the sun continuing to climb the high skies.

Tap Tap Tap Tap

Several minutes passed and the house was painted with life. A young elf descended down the stairs, rubbing her eyes as she walked ever so groggily. She yawned and she stared off into the distance, eyes still sleepy as one can be.

Yuna had just woken up, and her very first instinct was to look around, searching for a certain figure. Yet no matter how much she turned her head and shifted her eyes, she didn't find who she was looking for, only a note by the countertop.


Yuna, I still have some leftover work for the Blacksmiths' Guild. I'll be making them so I won't be able to join you for breakfast. Instead, I cooked a delicious breakfast just for you. I hope you enjoy it.


Eyes still struggling to stay open, Yuna read the note and her eyes swam left and right, soon shifting to the still steamy dishes atop the dining table. She hasn't seen them yet but she already knew she was going to enjoy eating them.

Yuna continued to read, and the more she did the more awake she became. The rest of Grey's note was simply well wishes for her and some reminders. If one thing stood out, it was the little folded note at the very end.

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