Chapter 267: The City of Colors (pt. III)

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The sun was high up in the sKy and the winds whistled as they passed by. The city continued to hustle and bustle, people running left and right as they went about the latter half of their day, humming along as they looked forward to going home.

In such a busy city, a few figures could be found loitering around with no particular destination in mind, walking towards wherever their feet take them, eyes wandering left, right, up, and down along the tunes of a soothing voice.

"To the right, we could see the first ever brewery in town. It was a simple tavern at first, but as you can see, it has grown to be quite a reputable shop after two hundred years of history." [Garret]

"Two hundred years... And to think they still stand to this day. Their alcohol must be quite delectable for them to last so long." [Iris]

"Of course. It's one of the best in the city. Especially their Silverstone Mead. It is often called the best mead in the continent!" [Garret]

The afternoon had already arrived and everyone was still continuing their tour around the city. Erdea is quite big, after all. Even after several hours of touring, they barely covered half of the area, still a lot more to go.

As for Garret's gang, they were no longer with. After they visited Marcus' family's honey farm, they then headed to Olsen's family's relaxation shop where they fully experienced the greatness of calming scents and massages, fatigue simply melting away from their bodies.

And just in time, as lunch arrived, they then headed to John's family's restaurant which served one of the most delectable dishes they had ever eaten. They had a total blast tasting all sorts of flavors and the taste of Erdea.

But such fun didn't last for too long. As it stands, everyone still had to help out in their family business, and so, after lunch, they headed out their own ways, leaving Grey and company to their own devices, continuing their tour with smiles on their faces.

"This here is one of the biggest horse stables in the city. They have the best horses around here. Should we have a ride?" [Garret]

"Uh... Garret, I'll pass on that one..." [Grey]

"Me too. I don't want to see the world spinning again..." [Yuna]

Of course, like any other city, there were also horse stables around. Garret offered for them to ride around the place for some time, but Grey and Yuna quickly refused it without a second. They still clearly remember last year's tragedy.

They may be heroes who can solo high-rank monsters, but even they have their own weaknesses. They could ride dragons and soar through the clouds, but the rough and rowdy horses aren't meant for them. They'd rather go on foot if they have a choice.

"How about you, Your Highness? Wouldn't you like to try horse riding?" [Garret]

"I would also like to decline. I'm not really good with horses, per se." [Iris]

"I see... It's a shame, but we don't need to force ourselves." [Garret]

And luckily enough, it seems like Iris wasn't also one fond of horses. She may be royalty, but horse riding was one of her greatest weaknesses. She shared the same sentiment to the two, albeit for different reasons.

"Boss, Lady Boss, are you sure you really don't wantー" [Garret]

"Ah! Garret, what's that? I've never seen them before." [Grey]

"Hm? Where?" [Garret]

"Over there, just a little bit on the left. That red little thing." [Grey]

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