Chapter 341: Souls and Spirits

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Shimmers of gold and silver, the sparkle of many colors scattered on the floor, pillars of pure marble and quartz, tiles just as beautiful. The room was filled with peace, the winds blowing and whispering like music in the air. Oh, what a serene scene it wasー

""Ehh?!!" [Grey and Yuna]

Well, it was a serene place until two voices shook the place, traces of surprise and disbelief laced all over them. Two faces were contorted and baffled, lips trembling ever so slightly, as they looked at the glowing figure in front of them.

In contrast, God remained unfazed. He has no face nor visible expressions, but one could easily tell he was unfazed... Or rather, he was confused why the two before him were confused. Logic has flown off to space.

"W-Wait! Abilities can be improved?! Why do I not know of this?! I thought you gave me all the knowledge I needed?!" [Grey]

"I did. But your abilities are already of the highest grade. I saw no point in giving you knowledge about this. And... Why would ratings exist if it couldn't be improved any further? Come on now, Young Man, that's just common sense." [God]

No, it wasn't common sense at all, or rather, the common sense between Gods and mortals are so vast that they might as well be two entirely different things. Grey and Yuna were in a culture shock, on a completely different level.

And while God may have a point, he could only remain frozen and speechless at his thoughtlessness. It was once again why he realized why he once called him an "Idiot God". He's the only one who surpasses him and Yuna in the lack of common sense.

'Haah... This idiotic God, really is...' [Grey]

Though it would have been better if they'd learned it earlier, it was still a good thing that they now learnt that there was a way to further strengthen themselves. Just thinking about the endless possibilities makes their hearts beat in excitement.

"Then, does that mean there's a way to acquire abilities as well?" [Grey]

"There is, there is. Didn't you just acquire them when you reached Superior Mastery in your magic and weapon proficiencies?" [God]

"We did, but other than that, is there another way?" [Grey]

"Another way... Hmm... It's harder than improving your current ones, but it does exist. Although, it would depend entirely on your soul." [God]

Abilities... Special traits that make one stronger and improve one's skill in different fields. They are lifelines which could significantly impact one's life no matter when or where. Although they may seem simple at first, they are very complicated.

As per their nature, abilities are traits that are imprinted into the soul. Once they are imprinted, they can never be removed nor replaced unless the laws of the universe are broken. This is also the very reason why learning it is very hard.

The soul is not just a mass of aether, but something much more complex. For once, there are two main components, the core and the corona. The core, simply put, is the very essence of a being, remaining the same even after reincarnation. As for the corona, it is all the memories and experience in life which would be shed after death.

"Then Grey, when we did that..." [Yuna]

"Yeah, I guess so... The same logic probably applied then." [Grey]

This also applies vice versa. If the core is "shed" or destroyed, one would die. A case just like what happened when Grey and Yuna broke the soul's corona of one of the Iblis members, shedding away its mana, combat power, and the curse.

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