Chapter 293: Unexpected Promotions

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Tomato sauce, potatoes, meat, cheese, and many more. A perfectly circular dough baked in the oven as such toppings were cooking on top of it, an appetite-arousing fragrance wafted throughout the kitchen, expectant faces blooming all over the place.

They had yet to taste the pizza, but the fragrance was more than enough for them to be full, humming in the air as they waited for the pizzaー well, pizzas, too cook. There wasn't just one, but as many as seven varieties, batches of two cooking at a time.

"Mmn~! It's been so long since I've had pizza. I really missed it." [Helen]

"Pizza... What an interesting dish..." [Owen]

"Oh, right. This is your first time seeing one, right, Owen? Don't worry, it's very delicious! I'm sure you'll like it!" [Helen]

"If Helen says so, then it must be really delicious. I can't wait." [Owen]

The couple waited in anticipation as the sound of chopping knives and sizzling oil echoed in the air. Of course, it was Grey and Yuna. Since they were making pizza, they might as well go all out and cook many more for the future. Nothing beats a snack on the go, after all.

It has been a couple days since Grey and Yuna came back, and as they went about their days, they have been taking it slow, relaxing as much as they can as if they were extending their vacation from Erdea.

Of course, by relaxing, it means 30% actually relaxing and lazing around, and 70% flirting. Just because they are now engaged, they are not holding themselves back anymore, flirting in every chance they get as if they were the only people in the world.

Even Helen who is usually supportive of them can't handle the sweetness of the two, her eyes and heart hurting even when she also has Owen. The two were simply on another level, one not even the characters in Helen's books could compare to.

"Is something wrong, Helen?" [Yuna]

"Nothing... I just can't get over the fact that you're really engaged now... And to think I was all worried about you before..." [Helen]

"Fufufu! I'm sure your time will come as well!" [Yuna]

"That's too much pressure, Yuna..." [Owen]

"That's right. Helen's still too young. No engagements nor weddings are happening until they are secure and stable enough." [Gerd]

They didn't even notice him coming in, and he already pitched in on the discussion. Well, not just him, but Selia as well. They have already given them their approval, but that doesn't mean they'll simply let them do whatever they want.

After all, as parents, it was their job to guide them to the right path. They really aren't against the idea of letting their daughter go and be independent, they just want to make sure they don't do anything reckless due to the heat of the moment.

As Gerd and Selia headed inside, Owen then slightly bowed his head and greeted the two, the latter reciprocating with warm and trusting smiles. A surprisingly good relationship for soon to be in-laws.

"Speaking of marriage... Grey, Yuna, what are your plans? Have you already settled on the wedding date?" [Selia]

"Hmm... We aren't really rushing ourselves so we don't know for sure.... Maybe in three... four... maybe even five year's time?" [Grey]

"Oh my, that's quite the long wait..." [Selia]

"Hahaha. Well, we still have a lot of time to think about it. But we'll be sure to tell you once we've finally decided." [Grey]

Vague as it was, Grey and Yuna were happy with their decision. They were still young, and so, there was practically no need to rush. Especially with their longevity as High-Rankers, they could even marry at thirty or forty if they want.

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