Chapter 225: A Hidden Paradise

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A vast view of blue, expanding as far as the eyes can see. Patches of white and gray littered from time to time as rock formations and foams appeared here and there. Only the seagulls' cawks and the waves' splashes could be heard echoing in the cold sea breeze.

Winds burst forth and a platinum figure darted throughout the sky. The piercing winds were nothing to her beautiful yet tough scales, just like diamonds shining under the moonlight. The only things which glimmered brighter were her eyes and the sun above.

Riding on such magnificent creatures, two people sat idly. One of them, turning her pretty little head left and right as she scanned through the water's surface, soon frowning as she couldn't find anything interesting.

"Grey... I can't find anything here... There's only water... In the first place, what am I even searching for?" [Yuna]

"You sure? Maybe you're just not looking hard enough," [Grey]

"Mou... You're teasing me again, aren't you?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I'm not, I'm not." [Grey]

A soft chuckle echoed in the air and the young lady continued to pout. Yet even when he was chuckling, there was only curiosity to be seen inside Grey's eyes. Curiosity he just couldn't take his mind off as he once again looked at the sea.

After helping out all the fishermen, Grey and Yuna are now off to god know where, flying on Sirius' back. Grey suggested they go on an adventure, but Yuna was still in the dark about what he was talking about, confused as one can be.

Well, it was only natural. Grey himself was also unsure about the silhouette he saw, but after seeing Yuna's reactions, he finally confirmed something. And as such, they are now heading further west in search of an answer.

"Alright, Sirius, I think it should be fine to land here." [Grey]

"Understood, Master." [Sirius]

At Grey's behest, Sirius slowly but surely cut down her speed and at the same time, changed her angle, stooping like a peregrine falcon catching its prey. There was just one problem... It was that they were stooping down straight towards the water

"H-Hey, Grey! Stop it! This is not funny! We're going to crash!" [Yuna]

Her scream booming in the air, Yuna closed her eyes and braced herself for what's about to come. Though it wouldn't hurt her, getting seawater on her eyes would really sting. It was something she wanted to avoid at all costs.

But a few seconds passed yet no sounds of splashes could be heard. In fact, there was no sound of waves nor water at all. Rather, there was only the rustling of leaves and rolling sounds of sand scattered in the air.

"Hmm? What just... Hap... pened..." [Yuna]

The scenery of blue was now gone, only greens, grays, and browns filling the verdant landscape. The sea was no more, only mountains and forests laying in front of them as they slowly descended from the sky.

At such a sight, Yuna could only remain frozen and speechless, her mind still unable to get a grasp of what just happened. She only snapped back to reality the moment she heard a light chuckling from behind. It was from Grey.

"G-Gr-Grey! An island! There's an island!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I know, I know. But... Aren't you a little too excited?" [Grey]

"W-Well, I mean! An island just appeared out of nowhere! Everyone would be surprised! I mean, look! Just look! It's so beautiful!" [Yuna]

Admiration, confusion, and excitement. Three emotions swirled inside Yuna's heart as she made some weird yet cute poses, trying to express herself. She just couldn't find the right words to describe what she was feeling.

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