Chapter 334: Overwhelming Battles

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《Northern Wind: Boreas!》 [Grey]

Deafening howls filled the ruins as the winds ran at the speed of sound, ripping apart the walls and pillars as they lashed out. They condensed denser, creating dozens of massive spears, the power of wind dwelling inside them

Grey extended his hands out and the spears rushed forth. A cacophony of gales and tremors rocked the Labyrinth, spears of carnage bolting towards the monsters before them and massacring every last one of them,

The battlefield was riddled with ridiculous S-rank monsters from Orc Conquerors to Golem Kings, but their were all pierced and skewered, their flesh torn apart without mercy and their bodies riddled with gaping holes, blood trickling down towards the ground, painting it a dark red color.

"Oh? Did I put too little power?" [Grey]

It was a scene of carnage, but some still managed to survive, their bodies riddled with wounds and their limbs barely intact. Even with the situation as it is, they still had the will to fight, rushing towards the young man whilst bearing hostility.

A Minotaur General swung its massive battleaxe from above, an Apex Werebeast opened up its maw, ready to devour Grey, and the Gorgon King fired a petrification beam towards. Yet he remained unfazed, not a single worry traced on his face.

《Frost Field!》 [Yuna]

Cold as ice, another voice rang out and the ground was soon covered in blue. Ice burst forth as if there was no tomorrow, creeping towards all directions and freezing every corner without a single shred of mercy.

Not even the monsters were spared from the attack, their bodies devoured by glacial ice and puncturing their every cell with frost. A multitude of shrieks and bellows rang out until they were all frozen still, imprisoned in large chunks of ice.

"Everyone, I leave everything to you." [Yuna]

"Understood. You can rest assured, Mistress." [Polaris]

However, everything was still far from over. With the monsters now bound by eternal frost, 10 platinum figures opened their mouths, bright light shining inside their mouths as they opened their maws, illuminating the place with radiance.

With the passing of time, more and more mana was only drawn towards them, the orbs of light shining even brighter and brighter. The shone until the ground trembled in terror, the winds howling in fear, and the Labyrinth was riddled with tremors.

"Fire! Don't leave a single one behind!" [Polaris]


The orbs were fired upward and a cacophony of explosions followed. They exploded like fireworks midair, showers of bright light raining down the ground and rushing like spears of judgement coming down from the heavens.


Left, right, front, rear, and center. No matter where one stands, a deafening explosion thunders ever so closely, razing the ground and demolishing the structures of marble and quartz all over the place, flames devouring the whole floor.

The battlefield of blue now turned into a scene of the apocalypse. Yuna's ice was thawed and shattered into oblivion. The monsters inside were also ruptured apart, their blood boiled away by the heat before they could even trickle down the ground.

The symphony of chaos and destruction soon reached its end and clouds of steam and dust veiled the area whole. It was hot and arid, only a few glimmers to be seen and only a few figures remaining standing.


A young man flicked his fingers and the winds started to howl. The thick veil of dust, steam, and debris was easily blown away, everything soon revealed to the world, and it was just as they expected.

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia (2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora