Chapter 212: Yuna's Day Out

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Boots, check! Storage ring, check! A light attire, check! And a beautiful smile, also check! Such was the look on Yuna as she prepared for the day, humming carefreely as if there wasn't a single problem in the world.

She was even more radiant than the morning sun, her hair fluttering ever so smoothly as she twirled around. She wasn't even wearing any makeup yet she already looks so stunning. Truly a beauty sent from the heavens.

"Grey, I'm off~!" [Yuna]

"Alright. Take care~." [Grey]

Grey's voice echoing in their house, Yuna opened the door, a click and creak ringing clearly soon after. Another creak, much heavier than the first, soon followed as Yuna opened the gates, the verdant scenery greeting her warmly along the refreshing air.

"Looks like it's going to be a good day!" [Yuna]

A smile on her face, Yuna then set off towards the horizon, skipping her steps from time to time like an excited little child. And like a little child, her head turned left and right as she observed the wonderful scenery, soon continuing her humming.

Few minutes passed, and the once quiet scenery turned into a lively and bustling venue. The people's voices could be heard all over the place, a myriad of scents and sceneries to be observed. It was the marketplace!

"Oh! Lady Yuna! Good morning!"

"Un! Good morning~!" [Yuna]

"Lady Yuna, would you like to have some oranges?"

"Sorry, but I just had breakfast. Maybe next time?" [Yuna]

The people greeted her warmly and she greeted them back with a bright smile and a wave of her hand. It wasn't only because she was a hero, but also because she was one the people loved in general.

A poise and elegant beauty whose beauty can only be watched from afar. Not only that, she was also a warm, kind, and caring person. Such was how the people viewed her. A complete opposite of the spoiled and clingy baby she acts like when she is with Grey. Truly an interesting fellow.

The greetings continued and so did Yuna's walk. Though she would usually go out with Grey, the latter was a little busy with his smithing work. Well, that wasn't the only reason why our heroine is alone. There was one much more important.

What was it, one might ask? The answer is simple. It was because a very special day was approaching, one which came only once a year and one she wanted to treasure dearly as if it meant the whole world to her. It was, of course, Grey's birthday!

Having received so much from him, she also wants to pay him back. And now, it isn't only because they were friends or partners. Now, for the very first time, she is going to celebrate Grey's birthday as his girlfriend! A sense of duty and determination was welling up inside her.

Of course, having been in a relationship for the very first time, Yuna didn't really know what to do. Thankfully, she has some reliable friends to count on. For that, we'll have to go back a few days' time where it all began...

"Thank you for dining in! Please come back again!" [Helen]

Cling Cling Cling

The chimes rang, and the doors closed soon. Helen was once again at the counter, doing her duties, running around the inn and serving the customers, whilst Gerd and Selia were in the kitchen discussing things with Grey. It was a normal day.

"Haah..." [Yuna]

Well, it would have been normal if it weren't for the young lady who has been sighing ever so frequently, laying down her head on her arms as she slumped on the counter, her eyes void of colors as if her soul was escaping her body. A rare, depressed Yuna.

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia (2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon