Chapter 218: Silent Flash

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Click Clack Creak

A series of sounds echoed one after another, accompanied by the opening of the doors. A beautiful scenery on the other side if the window was revealed soon after, the morning sunlight seeping through and illuminating the large corridors.

Two figures came out of the door, light and comfortable garments covering their bodies. They were, of course, Grey and Yuna who just got changed after having a fantastic breakfast along with the Marquess and Marchioness.

With the arrival of a new morning, it was finally time to fulfill yesterday's promise. It was time to head out and explore the town. And as Lista was a port town until the ones they've been to before, the couldn't couldn't help but get excited about what kind of things they'll get to see.

"Hmm... I wonder if they have sea cucumbers at the market..." [Yuna]

"They probably do, it's a port town, after all. But didn't you say you wanted us to catch them ourselves?" [Grey]

"I did... But just in case we don't get any, I was thinking we should just buy them at the market. It'll be easier that way." [Yuna]

"I suppose you're right..." [Grey]

And continuing their conversation yesterday, the two were once again talking about the sea cucumbers from before. It was a new ingredient, after all. Both as cooks and gourmets, it was only natural that they think about such things. It wasn't because they were gluttons, not at all.

They were hoping to eat some at the dinner table yesterday, but unfortunately, they didn't get the chance to. It was either the people didn't know how to cook them or that nobles just didn't eat them. They'll never know the answer.

"Well, enough about that. Let's just enjoy ourselves for the day, shall we?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! You're right. I guess I was thinking too hard about it." [Yuna]

"Then, shall we, Milady?" [Grey]

"Yes. I'll be in your care once again, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

Playful and gentle smiles on their faces, Grey and Yuna soon headed out of the mansion and into the bustling town. They had just stepped outside and they could already feel the liveliness of the town, feeling the gentle breeze from the sea.

"Please enjoy your day out, Your Highnesses."

"We will, thank you." [Grey]

Like birds in the sky, with wings born to fly freely, as soon as Grey and Yuna were out if the mansion, their feet didn't sit still for a single moment, heading towards where their feet led them to, smiling happily as they satisfied their curiosity,

And like they had expected, Lista really was different from other towns and cities they had been to. No matter where one would look, they would see a couple fishing rods and nets hanging out of the resident's homes, oars and barrels displayed with them.

Not just the houses, but the streets themselves were quite different. It was much wider to accommodate the large number of wagons carrying seafood and merchandise from the port and there was a lot more variety in the stores by the main streets, showing off the different products from the sea routes.

Of course, the number of seafood stores and such were astounding. Be it left or right, their eyes could spot a seafood store in every block and every few dozen steps, filled with hungry fishermen and citizens going about their daily lives.

"Waah~! It's so different~! It's like we're in another world!" [Yuna]

"I know, right? This is also my first time exploring a port town. I didn't know it would be this lively..." [Grey]

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