Chapter 286: The Festival of Hearts (pt. I)

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Boom Boom Fwoot Toot Toot Ting Ting Ting Fwoot

Trumpets, drums, horns, xylophones and many more. A loud cacophony of noises echoed in the air as people cheered and shouted, everyone full of energy as the floats paraded in the streets, colorful and beautiful as one can be.

Each float was massive, decorated with flowers, gems, and all sorts of things. Atop them were dancers which danced to their hearts' content, wearing bright smiles on their faces as they moved about, their actions guided by the music drifting in the air.

"Mama! Papa! Look, there's a dragon!"

"Whoo! Let your hearts out everybody! Let's celebrate!"

"Hey, what sort of dancing is that? You look like a fish out of the water."

It was still early in the morning yet the city was already full of energy and happiness, lively as one can be as they danced on their own tunes, something holding the hands of others, dancing as a pair, circling around the place.

The children were especially excited, running around the place as if they owned it, laughing as they chased one another. They pointed here and there, trying to satisfy their curiosity as they watched such a grand and majestic festival unfold.

Well, there wasn't just dancing, contests and competitions were also unfolding all over the city, each district holding an event of their own, celebrating the Festival of Hearts in their own way, just as lively and cheerful as any other.

The day had finally come, and now, it was time for the Festival of Hearts. Though the whole city has been celebrating for more than a week already, the Festival Proper is only two days long, today and tomorrow.

Yet in those two days, Erdea becomes the liveliest city throughout the whole continent. With people gathering from all over the continent, Erdea's population has risen to an outstanding degree, crowds upon crowds of people filling up the streets and people enjoying their time as if there was no tomorrow.

"Grey! Hurry up! Let's explore the whole place!" [Yuna]

"Yuna, you're too excited. No one's chasing us, you know?" [Grey]

"I know, but...! I'm just so excited~!" [Yuna]

Of course, with such a grand celebration, there was no way our main characters were missing out on the enjoyment. Yuna is now brimming with excitement, eyes sparkling beautifully like the stars in the cold and tranquil night sky.

And since there were only a handful of people who knew them, there was no need to wear hoods nor use illusion magic. They simply went around the place as they are, enjoying the beautiful sights without restricting themselves. Like free birds in the sky.

"Tsk! That idiot couple... Just where are they heading to now?" [Julius]

"Elder Brother, clicking your tongue is bad manners. Please stop that." [Iris]

"Boss! Lady Boss! Wait for me!" [Garret]

It also went without saying that Grey and Yuna went around the festival with others. They already planned to spend the day tomorrow alone together, so for today, they decided to go around the festival and enjoy whatever it has to offer.

Surely enough, with every step they took, they were greeted by all sorts of novel and interesting sights from simple stalls all the way to magnificent street performances all over the place. There was no shortage of entertainment.

There were even stages set up all over the city simply so that people could dance around and have fun like it was the last day of their lives. They tapped, clapped, twisted, and turned. Some were beautiful, and some... Well, not so much...

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