Chapter 207: Consultation

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Flip Flip Flip Scritch Scritch Scritch

Books, books, and more books. Words, numbers, and symbols were all over the place, new characters appearing as ink cruised smoothly across the paper. A little lady, face full of seriousness, yet ever so adorable, writing them one after another.

Letters became words, and words became sentences, then sentences soon became paragraphs. Not just one, but several dozen paragraphs were written across many pages, composing a long, long, long essay.

"Teacher, I'm done." [Eliza]

"Hmm... Let's see..." [Teacher]

The little lady handed over her work to her teacher, the latter scrutinizing it carefully, not missing a single line as her eyes streaked from left to right. Awkward and nervous silence was enveloping the room as the teacher read the papers.

"Hmm... This isn't perfect..." [Teacher]

"Oh..." [Eliza]

"But this is already excellent for your age. Good work, Lady Eliza." [Teacher]

The teacher beamed a smile, and Eliza's lips soon arched to follow suit. Relief flowed uncontrollably in her heart, her expressions loosening and heart calming down. It was a long essay, after all. She didn't want to do a repeat.

"Then that will be all for now. See you tomorrow, Lady Eliza." [Teacher]

"Un! See you tomorrow too, Teacher!" [Eliza]

The study session was finally over, and with her teacher walking dismissing her, she could finally head out the room, grasping a breath of fresh air as soon as she was out and about. A happy expression was on her face, skipping her steps energetically.

Eliza hummed herself a melodic song as she looked outside the window, greeting the birds and flowers with a bright smile. The maids and servants greeted her as she passed by her in the corridors, returning a smile to her.

Why was the young lady happy, one might ask? Was it because she was now done with her studies? Well, partly, but the real reason was that Yuna had promised her to visit this week. She didn't know what day specifically, but she was looking forward to it, really excitedly.

"Lady Eliza, there's some people looking for you at theー" [Sebastian]

"Un! Thank you!" [Eliza]

"Oh?" [Sebastian]

Sebastian couldn't even finish his words. As soon as Eliza heard people were looking for her, she quickly dashed down the corridors, passing through Sebastian who was still puzzled, standing frozen and speechless, alone in the hallway.

Rapid footsteps echoed in the air as Eliza continued darting through the mansion, even jumping down the stairs, continuing to dash towards the doors as soon as she regained her footing. It was not only her, Polaris also followed after her, running just as quickly as she was.

A couple more seconds of running later, the gate was in view. Not just the gate, but two familiar figures also came to sight. Their hair colors may be different, but she could clearly tell it was them. It was Grey and Yuna.

"Elder Sister Yuna! Elder Brother Grey! You're here!" [Eliza]

There was no warning. As soon as she was in range, she quickly pounced towards Yuna, grabbing her waist and giving her a big embrace. Her actions were so sudden, the guards couldn't help but be surprised as they saw her.

"My, Liz, you should be more careful." [Yuna]

"Teehee! I just missed you both!" [Eliza]

"Fufufu! We missed you too." [Yuna]

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia (2)Where stories live. Discover now