Chapter 265: The City of Colors (pt. I)

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Strap Strap Tap Clack Clack

A subtle series of sounds echoed in the room, a single lady sitting by the bedside. She was humming happily to the tune of the wind, tilting her head left and right as she tied and strapped her boots, tapping it on the floor soon after as she checked.

She then twirled around and checked her attire if there was anything wrong. A bright smile then bloomed on her face, full of satisfaction as she patted her dress. Her eyes then sparkled brightly as she looked in a certain direction.

There, a certain young man stood in silence, cupping his chin with his fingers as he was in deep thought. Concentration which was quickly broken when a young elf approached him upfront, eyes filled with curiosity.

"Hm? Is there something on my face?" [Grey]

"No, it's just... Can you lift both your arms, please?" [Yuna]

"My arms...? Sure, I guess..." [Grey]

Confusion traced on his face, Grey slowly lifted his arms as Yuna had requested. As soon as he did, the young lady then tilted her head lift and right, tugging on his jacket for no apparent reason, making the latter even more confused.

"Hmm... Lift your arms a little higher, please." [Yuna]

"A little higher.. Sureー Woah!" [Grey]

Grey couldn't even finish his words, when he was suddenly cut off by Yuna's sudden actions. The very moment Grey lifted his arms, she quickly charged towards him and gave him an embrace from up front, a bright smile blooming in her place.

There wasn't anything wrong with Grey's clothing nor was she actually curious in the first place. It was all a farce, Grey dancing in the palm of the young lady's hands. The very same young lady who was now burying her face in her beloved's chest.

"Yuna... You just wanted to hug me, didn't you?" [Grey]

"Hehehe! I wonder~!" [Yuna]

It was still early in the morning yet Yuna's playful side was already up and about. With no one in the room other than them, she could play as much as she could and cling to Grey until she's satisfied. She wouldn't pass up on such a chance.

Well, it wasn't that Yuna didn't have any real reasons. After all, for the next several hours, they would be with the others. The next time they'll be alone would be by night time. She wants to savor their time together as much as she can.

Though... The same couldn't be said for Grey. He was already having a hard time keeping himself under control, and now, Yuna decided to become more flirty than usual. A hell for the especially sensitive Grey at the moment.

"Hehe! Grey, you're blushing~!" [Yuna]

There was no way he wouldn't be blushing. Even now, when Yuna is smiling brightly, all Grey could focus on was her soft and plump lips, wanting to attack her in broad daylight. He felt like a shameless wild beast.

It's still their second day in Erdea yet he was already faced with such difficulties. He could only think about how difficult things would be in the upcoming month, praying to God that he'll be able to control himself.

Knock Knock Knock

And just as the final string was about to stop, fortune graced him with an answer. A resonant series of knocks came ringing from the other side of the door, soft and shy just like the one who was knocking.

Of course, it was none other than their lovely young princess, Iris, ready to go out for the day. The moment the knocks resound, Yuna loosened up her embrace, quickly fixing her character soon after. It was a close call.

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