Chapter 235: Calm Before the Storm

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Rustle Rustle Rustle

The leaves ruffled and parted, the sound of broken twigs and branches echoing in the air, accompanied by the sound of rapid footsteps as hooves and feet struck the solid ground. Ragged breathing ringing in quick succession as hearts pounded madly.

Buhiik Buhiik Buhiik

A wild boar ran throughout the forest, skipping over the rocks and crashing towards the bushes. Its heart was racing wildly and its eyes were full of panic. Its view shifted left and right as it tried to run away as fast as it could.

It was also worth noting that it was not a regular boar. It was a behemoth even larger than a bear, the ground shaking with each step it took. And the very same boar had a large spear stuck on its back, blood trickling down from it and dyeing the leaves and blades of grass red.

"Don't let it get away!"

"Hurry! Lure it to the left!"

On its tail were a cohort of warriors, wielding spears, blades, and bows, not losing out on speed as they chased the boar. They were all experts on the terrain, maneuvering skillfully on the rocky and budy fields, not losing track of their prey.

Clouds of dust and pollen were left on their wake, arrows darting through the air as they released shot after shot towards the running boar. Even when they were moving at high speeds, they didn't panic and shot arrows with a calm mind. A skill clearly honed from years of experience.


A loud shriek boomed throughout the forest as arrows continued to rain down upon the wild boar, one laced with a tranquilizing agent. The more arrows hit, the slower and groggier its movement became. It was becoming sluggish.

With the passing of time, the large boar only slowed down, panting ever so profusely as darkness began to encroach its sight. The green and lively forest was now dull, only shades of gray to be seen as its visions swirled around.

"Surround it! Make it it has no way of escaping!"[Sakar]


The warriors didn't let the chance go, and quickly surrounded the now weakened boar. Before it noticed, there were already blades pointing towards it. Be it from the front, the sides, or the rear. It was already surrounded.


Sakar exclaimed and the warriors quickly charged towards the boar. Their spears thrust towards it and their blades hacked its tough skin, arrows still volleying towards it without rest. Death came from all sides.

Even then, the boar did not simply let itself be killed without a fight. Though it knew that it was on the end of its line, it still made a desperate, final struggle, charging towards the warriors and basing its massive body towards them.

《Starving Shark!》[Sakar]

Unfortunately for it, as it was distracted by the other warriors, Sakar had taken the opportunity and launched an attack of his own. The moment his voice echoed all over the forest, he was already midair, lunging his spear towards the struggling boar.

Like the name implied, the spear pierced through the boar's back, eating away its heart. A few moments later, a loud thud resounded in the air as the giant boar fell helplessly towards the ground, bathing in a pool of its own blood. It was over.

But rather than celebrating, the moment the boar fell, a deathly silence swallowed the place, only the rustling of leaves to be heard. Salar and the warriors looked at the boar once again before closing their eyes.

"I apologize for ending your life. We will make sure to use every bit of you to show our gratitude. May you rest in peace."[Sakar]

"""May you rest in peace."""

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