Chapter 350: Filastra's Sweet Little Angel

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The sun continued to climb the blue sky, the clouds drifting below and the birds flying freely in the air. A glorious castle started appearing by the backdrop, large buildings and mansions popping up left and right of the wide and open streets.

Everyone has reached the noble's district, the air more quiet than the atmosphere downtown and the buildings more spaced out one after another. Estate after estate, luxurious carriages passing them by, a series of clips and clops ringing in the air.

With gardens popping up left and right, the air was filled with different scents and fragrances. From roses to tulips, then orchids and flowering trees, until the scent of the earth itself. The streets were filled with a serene and healing aroma.

"Waah~! So Yuna won the Carnival of Swords, huh? That's amazing, Yuna! Your Big Sis is so proud of you!" [Vanessa]

"B-Big Sis Vanessa... I... I can't breathe..." [Yuna]

"O-Oh! Sorry! Force of habit!" [Vanessa]

The time was 10 o'clock, and it has been several minutes since Grey and Yuna were caught by Vanessa. Though usually nobles would ride carriages in the capital, they decided to walk back to the mansion, Vanessa arguing that it was good exercise.

And throughout their whole journey, Vanessa has been asking the two about their trip to Graystone and all the exciting adventures they experienced there. From their fight in the colosseums until the Labyrinth, they (were forced to) share their experiences.

Of course, even with how pushy Vanessa was, Grey and Yuna still left behind the details which needed to be kept secret. They only told the former about what was publicly known and what was exciting enough, keeping her satisfied.

"The Carnival of Swords, huh... I've also been wanting to join it too, but since I'm an army officer, I can't really leave the Kingdom..." [Vanessa]

"Well, you have a lot of responsibilities, after all..." [Yuna]

"I know, I know, and they're so annoying! I just want to push all my duties to Kurt and join the Carnival of Swords next year. That's a good plan, isn't it?" [Vanessa]

"Please don't... Everyone would really be troubled by that." [Grey]

"I know, I know, I was just joking, you know. Don't be so stiff~!" [Vanessa]

Is what she says, and she really did sound like she was joking, but it was Vanessa they were talking about. One really doesn't know what is going inside the chaotic and playful mind of hers. It was pandemonium.

No, they already knew that Vanessa was prone to acting on impulse. It was best to stop whatever she was thinking of before things escalated even further. After all, she was someone who challenged Yuna in a duel when she was still pregnant.

"You two... You aren't thinking of something rude, aren't you?" [Vanessa]

And to make things worse, she's especially sharp when the situation doesn't need it. One could only wonder how the Knight orders and the army was still fine when she was the one leading them. It must have all been thanks to Kurt.

"A-Anyway... Big Sis Vanessa, how is Anne doing? It has been some time since we saw her? She should be... 6 months old now, isn't she?" [Grey]

"Yeah! That's right! My baby's growing so fast, I can't still believe she's 6 months old already. Time really does fly doesn't it?" [Vanessa]

"Ehh~? I'm sure Anne looks so adorable now!" [Yuna]

"You bet she does! After all, she's mine and Ranzel's daughter! I'm she will just be as beautiful as me when she grows up! You know, the other day......" [Vanessa]

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