Chapter 332: The Labyrinth of Stars

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A blast of wind whistling along the soft rustles of grass. The birds chirped and so did the little critters on the ground, scurrying about as they go about their days. The soft and gentle sunlight beating down on the green plains.

Clouds of dust brewed on such verdant sight, two figures feeling the refreshing winds on their skin and listening to the symphony of the early morning. There was a bright sparkle in their eyes as they bolted towards the faraway horizon.

"Mmn... It's quite far, isn't it?" [Yuna]

"From what I know, they thought it was a dungeon at first so they built the city quite a bit of distance from it, thinking about the risks of a dungeon break." [Grey]

"I see... That does seem reasonable..." [Yuna]

"Though now, it's more of a bother if anything. Well, It's a good way to exercise so I don't really see any problems with it." [Grey]

Or so he says, but such an "exercise" was one which actually spanned a couple of kilometers. It's a good distance, but for them to bridge it in less than a minute, it was in no way normal. They weren't even at full speed.

The time had come and it was finally time to head to the Labyrinth of Stars. They were given early access so there weren't many people present yet, only knights and adventurers to be seen running along them. They could run as much as they want, free as can be.

It was already their third Labyrinth, but they were just as excited as if it was their first time. And like before, they are aiming to conquer it again and defeat the Boss with all their might. Excitement brewed in their hearts.

"Oh? That's it right?!" [Yuna]

"Yeah... We're here... The Labyrinth of Stars..." [Grey]

A massive cavern greeted them, appearing majestically over the faraway horizon. It was massive enough to fit hundreds of people, massive white pillars standing in front of it and broken tiles of marble scattered all over the ground.

Surrounding it was a villageー no, rather than a village, it would be more appropriate to call it a hamlet or an outpost to watch over the Labyrinth. A number of knights and soldiers guarded it, their spears and swords glimmering under the blue sky.

There weren't just knights and soldiers, but a number of adventurers and merchants as well, on standby for the opening of the Labyrinth. One side is ready to hunt and destroy monsters while the other is there to make a profit, carts filled with potions and items to the brim.

It was quite a sight to see, people of all races and ages raring to attempt a dive in the Labyrinth of Stars, eyes filled with determination. More and more were coming with the passing of time, parties assembling one after another.

"Waah~! There's so many people. There's also some familiar faces!" [Yuna]

"Many of our opponents in the Carnival of Swords were adventurers, after all... Though, it seems like there's still many more coming." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I wonder when Lisa and Prince Lionel will join us." [Yuna]

"That would probably take a while." [Grey]

Rather than a while, it was more like it was going to be difficult. Grey and Yuna just overheard Lionel trying to convince the King, and as expected, it turned into quite a big fight, their swords drawn again for some reason.

The ruckus went on for a couple of days, and even though Lionel was much stronger than his father, it wasn't like it was a real duel so he couldn't really clobber him. He could only endure his nagging whilst parrying his blows. Oh, chaotic days.

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