Chapter 250: The Enchanters' Guild

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Clop Clop Clop Chatter Chatter Chatter

A myriad of footsteps and a bustling pandemonium of voices resounded in the air. A live orchestra as the lively city of Galderia unfolded like any other day, store owners and customers bargaining like any other day.

"Grey, what do you think the menu is today?" [Yuna]

"Probably the usual. I don't think they're developing any new recipes at the moment... At least, not that I know of..." [Grey]

And amongst these bustling people, two people were standing out more than the others. They were, of course, none other than Grey and Yuna, who are just as casual and carefree as ever, talking about food like they usually do.

"Mmn... Should we help them then? I also want to eat new dishes!" [Yuna]

"Huh? Couldn't we just cook some for ourselves? We still have a lot of spare ingredients, don't we? We could experiment ourselves." [Grey]

"That's true... But I still want to eat it at the Rabbit's Den! That's why, let's do our best and help them out! Let's make more recipes!" [Yuna]

"Haah... Alright, alright, as you wish, Milady." [Grey]

Her logic was vague and didn't make much sense, sure, but what mattered was that Yuna was enthusiastic like a little ball of energy. She happily skipped her steps as they headed towards the Rabbit's Den, Grey chuckling and following behind her.

Cling Cling Cling

Soon enough, with a couple minutes of walking, the two finally reached the inn and sweet chimes resounded in the air. It was just as lively as usual, everyone happily enjoying their meals as they warmed their stomachs with delicious dishes.

Like usual, Gerd and Selia were nowhere to be seen in the hall, moving about in the kitchen as they finished the few final dishes for the morning. They were busy bees, making sure everything was going smoothly. As for Helen...

"Hahaha. And it exploded once again, didn't it?" [Helen]

"Yeah... I almost got my hair charred this morning..." [Owen]

"Geez...! That's why I told you to be careful! Don't take your job lightly!" [Helen]

"Yes, ma'am... I'll be more careful next time..." [Owen]

... She is with Owen, chatting merrily as the latter enjoys his meal. Though they've been interacting more as of late, something about them seemed strange. Somehow, the atmosphere about them was much sweeter than usual, with a hint of sappiness.

Just a single glance and Grey and Yuna could tell that something happened between the two. They're relationship doesn't seem what it used to be, sparking interest and curiosity from the two, a mischievous smile sprouting in their faces.

"Helen~! Good morning~!" [Yuna]

"A-Ah! M-Morning, Grey, Yuna... How may I help you?" [Helen]

"Mmn... Nothing, really... But, is there perhaps something you want to tell us about? There's something, right? Right...?" [Yuna]

Yuna was smiling, but her eyes weren't. Though it wasn't menacing nor intimidating, Helen could feel chills down her spine as she watched Yuna. She knew full well what kind of look it was. It was the look of a lady hungry for some juicy details.

"Please go easy on me..." [Helen]

"Fufufu! That entirely depends on your cooperation~!" [Yuna]

Heleen's pleading was useless. With how much Helen pressed Yuna for information from their previous love talks, now that it was her turn, Yuna wasn't intending to go easy on the former. It was time for a sweet revenge.

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