Chapter 305: The Princess' Proposition

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Loud cheers and a splendid round of applause. Such was what rang out from the Grand Colosseum, the excitement yet to die down as the people talked about the match which had just finished, eyes shimmering brightly.

The swordsmen had already exited the arena yet the crowd still cheered their names, the fans rowdy as one can be as they showed their support. There was no shortage of liveliness in the air, three figures clapping as well after a wonderful match.

"That was a good show, wasn't it?" [Lisandra]

"Yeah. It was only a short time but we were able to learn something. No wonder swordsmen all flock over to Avalon." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Grey, you're too serious. Just say that you had fun." [Yuna]

The three figures were, of course, Grey, Yuna, and Lisandra who had witnessed the fight from start to finish. It wasn't their first time seeing other people battle, but it was still interesting nonetheless, especially with such restrictions in place.

Since Grey and Yuna would not be using their main weapons, their strengths would surely be affected, still within their threat levels, only that they would be placed on the lower levels. They would still be insurmountable powerhouses.

However, everything is much different when the barrier is present. Even now, the C-rank Gladiators who just fought could only display the same physical prowess even E-rankers could reproduce. It was quite the powerful and potent barrier.

"Grey, Yuna, if you are only limited to swordsmanship, would you be able against Derris and Ardell?" [Lisandra]

"Mmn... It might pose some difficulties but I don't think it's impossible. What do you think, Grey? What are our chances?" [Yuna]

"Your judgement is correct, however... That's only when we're considering pure swordsmanship skills. If we use our abilities... We'll win without a doubt." [Grey]

They wouldn't just be winning, it would be winning an overwhelming victory. Though, Grey and Yuna would most likely refrain doing such things. After all, it would take the excitement aspect away if they were to do so.

Yuna's proficiency with the sword is at 62% whilst Grey's is at 71%. If they were to base their chances towards the 50% average of the swordsmen they've seen so far, they would still have the upper hand. The problem would lie against those who were ranked at the upper echelons. It would surely be a challenge.

"Waah... Such confidence... I wonder if I could also be like you..." [Lisandra]

"Then, would you like us to train you?" [Yuna]

"Oh?! Would that be fine? Then I'dー" [Lisandra]

The princess suddenly halted her words, remembering a certain prince's words back when they visited Erdea. The said prince was none other than Grey and Yuna's good friend, Julius, warning her about Grey and Yuna's "training" if she ever receives the offer from the two.

The fight against monsters, the merciless training even when they were exhausted, the use of healing magic so that they have no chance to rest, the nightmares they experienced at night, and many more. Such words rang inside Lisandra's mind.

The moment she realized what she almost agreed to, a cold shiver ran down her spine and her heart almost stopped. She wanted to be strong, but someー no, most of Grey and Yuna's methods are straight up insane. She still wanted to live a long life.

"Is something wrong, Lisa? You look pale..." [Yuna]

"A-Ah, n-no, I'm f-fine... I just suddenly remembered something unpleasant. Please don't worry yourselves too much, it... It's nothing..." [Lisandra]

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