Chapter 208: Tiramisu for a Sweet Reunion!

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The sky was amber, almost fading to black. Faint stars are showing in the sky, the moon already appearing on the horizon, its radiance illuminating the world as the sun went to sleep and darkness started to awake. Night was soon to fall.

Under the golden brilliance of twilight, a little figure danced around the viridescent and flower-scented gardens. Her golden hair fluttered in the air as the silver glimmers of her sword flickered from time to time, her steps and movements soft and smooth like a butterfly's wings, fluttering in the air.

Left, right, front, and center. The sword danced along the little lady, sharp winds cascading through the place with each and every stroke. She was like a painter and the sword was her paintbrush, each stroke beautiful like a piece of art.

《Starlight Blossom!》 [Eliza]

Her voice drifting in the air, blades of ana sprouted from her sword. As soon as her sword stopped, like a flower blooming ever so brilliantly, the blades of mana scattered in the air, radiating its brilliance as it sliced through the air.

The little lady was, of course, none other than Eliza. She is currently showing Grey and Yuna the progress in her swordsmanship, showing off the best sword art she could make, a different and serious glint glimmering in her eyes.

But it didn't just stop there. Or course, it wouldn't just be her swordsmanship, Eliza also needed to show her proficiency in water magic. After all, a warmage is not truly capable unless she masters both arts and spells. It was an unwritten rule.

The blades of mana leaving its mark on the verdant grasses, Eliza soon stopped moving. Her breathing was calm as one be, silent like the gentle breeze caressing her face, moisture gathering around her like a whirlpool.

《Sweeping Wave!》 [Eliza]

A wave from a stormy sea. Such was what came about as soon as Eliza flashed her palm, surging ever so violently towards her target. A loud crash soon echoed as soon as the nearby statue was swallowed whole, destroyed to pieces.

Splash Splash Splash

Splashes and trickles reverberating in the air, the verdant grasses were untimely watered with Eliza's attack. As soon as her demonstration was finished, her head then took a sharp turn, looking at Grey and Yuna with expectant eyes.

"Elder Brother Grey, Elder Sister Yuna, how was that?! Did I do a good job?! Did I?! Did I?!" [Eliza]

"Fufufu! Un! Liz has become much better than before." [Yuna]

"That's true... By now, you should be on par with Elise and Elaine... You sure do learn quickly, huh... That's our Liz for you." [Grey]

"Hehehe!" [Eliza]

They were all but simple compliments, but Eliza's lips were curling from ear to ear, a bright smile on her face. Though she's a little exhausted after all the demonstration, she was still very happy. Truly a little ball of energy.

Well, it was only to be expected. After all, not only did Grey and Yuna teach her, she also received a couple books and manuals from them and there was also Polaris to watch over her. Combined with her exceptional talent, she was bound to reach such a level sooner or later.

"But Liz... Was it really alright for you to nonchalantly destroy the statue? It looked quite expensive too." [Grey]

"Ah..." [Eliza]

There was no need for confirmation. Just Eliza's reaction and pale expression alone was enough to tell the whole story. She was so excited to show Grey and Yuna her progress that she totally forgot to control herself.

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