Chapter 248: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. V)

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"Everyone, please stand back for a moment." [Grey]

Grey requested and the people followed. As the familiars stepped forward towards the sea, the others moved backwards, taking one step at a time. All were puzzled, still not understanding what really was going on.

It was already past noon, the sun climbing down the sky and everyone's bellies full after a merry and delicious meal. All were excited to go out and have fun, yet Grey and Yuna had another idea of their own. It was time for yet another surprise.

"Hmm... I wonder what those kids are doing..." [Gerd]

"Wait... Don't tell me..." [Kris]

"Ah! Come to think of it, Natalia did request something from them." [Natasha]

The crowd's reaction was divided. Some were confused, some already figured it out, while some were still in disbelief. But amongst them, one person... Or should I say, princess, in particular, had a totally different reaction.

Of course, it was none other than the Little Princess who was excited as one can be, clapping her hands happily as she gazed upon the familiars with adorable, sparkly eyes. She was the one who requested it, after all.

"Everyone, don't be too surprised, alright?" [Yuna]

"Eh? What do you meanー" [Selia]

"Now then, everyone, if you would please." [Grey]

At Grey's behest, bright light shone upon the shores and the sea. Seven little furballs suddenly started glowing bright, their figures turning to light itself, soon growing and changing as they let the winds run wild and made the waves tremble in awe.

Violet like an amethyst fresh out of the earth, a brilliant silver glimmering brighter than any gem, dark gray like cold, raw iron, a golden sheen like the amber sky, pure clarity like a diamond under the moonlight, green like a viridescent forest, and brown like freshly picked walnuts. Seven colors shone brightly.

Such beautiful color was none other than the beautiful brilliance of the familiar's eyes and core crystals. Their beauty was unparalleled, more radiant than the sun above. Seven such magnificent beasts spread their platinum wings and the waves bowed before them. A mystical scene of beauty.

"Wh... What the..." [Ross]

"Oh my..." [Veronica]

Everyone was frozen at such a beautiful sight, both from awr and surprise. Though they wanted to scream out loud, they couldn't bring themselves to. A mysterious force kept them calm, silently admiring what lies before them.

"This may be a bit late, but let us introduce our familiars to you. From the left, we have Polaris, Sirius, Canopus, Kentaurus, Arcturus, Capella, and Vega." [Grey]

One after another, Grey introduced their familiars to everyone, the latter bowing their heads politely as their names were called, their eyes still glowing like highest quality gems only seen once in a millennium.

Everyone already knew the familiars when they were in their wolf pup forms, but it was the first time for many of them seeing their real forms. All they could do was stand frozen in place as they tried to grasp just what was going on.

"Greetings everyone. Pardon for the late introduction." [Polaris]

"We greet the Master and Mistress' acquaintances." [Sirius]

"Ah... Ah, yes... Nice to meet you..." [Elaine]

Calm and composed voices echoed in the air, giving many a sudden spook. Yet strangely enough, they weren't afraid of them in the slightest, only a little shocked to see such cute little furballs turn into majestic and honorable dragons.

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia (2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt