Chapter 222: Out in the Sea (pt. II)

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Splash Slosh Crash

The waves smashed and crashed towards the ship, washing the foams away as they headed towards the shore. The radiant sunlight gracing the waters, creating sparkles like diamonds under the starlight, brimming with beauty and wonder.

Seagulls cawked and flapped, circling below the blue sky, diving deep underwater and resurfacing with fishes wiggling by their beaks. The winds carried their wings, soaring high and free in the sky, and perching by the nearby islands.

There weren't just seagulls. Flying fishes, squids, and dolphins skipped out of the water, playfully as one can be. Under the water were corals, starfishes, eels, tropical fishes, and many more, filling the sea with life and color. It was a very wonderful and mystical sight.

"So beautiful..." [Yuna]

Standing alone by the taffrail, Yuna's eyes gazed upon the far distance and her hair fluttered in the wind as the wind blew past her. There was a certain calmness in her eyes, her beauty radiating, her hands reaching out towards the horizonー or so how it should have looked...

"Waah~! Shin, look! Another dolphin jumped out!" [Yuna]

"Hey, calm down a little, alright? You're going to fall to the sea at this rate." [Grey]

"But look! They're just too cute~!" [Yuna]

But... reality is often disappointing... Compared to the cold, silent, and breathtaking beauty she could be viewed from afar, she was very actually just a pretty lady with the heart of a child. She was observing things enthusiastically, excited as one can be.

Yuna pointed towards these and Grey held her hand, just like a worried parent and an excited child. Though it was fortunate that neither of them were seasick, Yuna's energy was still too high, excitement filling the air.

Grey could fully understand her excitement as he himself was also the same. It was just that Yuna had completely switched to her excited and curious self, head turning towards all directions as she tried to satisfy her curiosity and her eyes the brightest they could be.

If it wasn't for the fact that Grey was holding her hand, she might already have jumped into the water to watch the dolphins up close and maybe even dive deep down to find things she can use for alchemy. It felt like babysitting rather than a date,

"Shin, should we go on a dive next time?" [Yuna]

"Hmm... Can you even handle that? You haven't swam in deep waters, haven't you? What if you get a cramp and get in danger?" [Grey]

"Mou~! Just what do you think of me? I'm quite confident in my swimming skills, you know? I'm sure I'll handle it easy-peasy!" [Yuna]

There was no doubt in Yuna's voice, only confidence as she proudly puffed her chest, then looking back to the waters with a large and satisfied smile on her face. The more she looked at the waters, the more she wanted to have a go at diving.

"Hohoho. Looks like we have someone very excited over here. Are you enjoying the view so far?" [Jack]

"Yeah, it's going good so far. The ride is smooth and the view is nice. It's a nice change of pace." [Grey]

"Un! It's very beautiful!! The giant squids are especially funny!" [Grey]

"Giant squids...?" [Jack]

To Yuna's words, Jack could only tilt his head slightly. As far as he could see, there were no such giant squids in his view. Be it far off into the horizon or just near the ship, he couldn't spot a single one. He was confused.

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