Chapter 245: Sea, Smiles, and Shenanigans (pt. II)

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Crash Splash Splash

A high cliff stood proud and mighty against the ravages of time, withstanding the ruthless waves as it crashed against its rocky surfaces, hammering and tempering the cliffside, ripples forming all over the water's surface.

Atop the cliff, eight figures stood still, watching the waves crash and splash. The winds blew past them, howling ever so freely as they danced to their own tune, unfazed by the circumstances and watching over everybody else.

"Hey... Should I really do this...?" [Julius]

A trembling voice echoed in the air, his eyes watching the waves below him. His whole body trembled slightly with every crash, his heart pounding wildly as if it wanted to escape his chest.

"Of course. This is the loser's punishment." [Grey]

"Hey... Isn't this a bit too much? We didn't agree about a punishment in the first place, you know? Can't we tune it down a little?" [Julius]

"I'm afraid we can't do that. In the first place, you aren't even part of our swimming race... No one told you to join in, am I right?" [Grey]

"Ugh... Dammit..." [Julius]

Julius clenched his fist and grit his teeth. At first he was just trying to annoy Grey and Yuna, but now, he was on the verge of being forced to jump off a cliff. It is only now that he wholeheartedly regrets his previous decisions.

In the first place, Grey and Yuna didn't even agree on a punishment. Julius being forced to jump off a cliff is simply them teaching him a lesson, and not because they were ticked off that time together has been ruined. No, not at all.

"Don't worry, there aren't any rocks at the bottom. It's completely safe." [Grey]

"No, that isn't the problem,.. Isn't this a little too high?" [Julius]

Nope, it wasn't just a little. In fact, it was so high that one might faint just looking at it from above, easily exceeding fifty meters in height with just a rough estimate. It was one of the few places Yuna and Marika took note of in their previous exploration.

And now, that place has become a place of execution for the Kingdom's second prince. He isn't one to be afraid of heights, but that doesn't mean he's willing to leap such an absurd height. Just looking down was enough for him to have a heart attack.

"A little too high? Didn't you jump off a cliff not too long ago just to give me a scare? This isn't that different, you know?" [Grey]

"Hey... Are you really still holding a grudge over that?" [Julius]

"Hahaha. I don't know what you're talking about." [Grey]

Grey was laughing, but his smile was not. Though he doesn't usually hold grudges against other people, Julius was a totally different matter. Be it yesterday's or a few year's grudge, he'll be sure to remember it.

It was futile trying to convince Grey, and so, in an effort to ask for her, Julius turned his head around to the others. But rather than a helping hand, what he got was a cold shoulder. Not even Amelia looked him in the eyes.

"Now, now, Julius, I'm sure Amelia would love it if her fiancé is a bit more gutsy. Showing a little bit of courage won't hurt!" [Yuna]

"Yes! That's right, Your Highness! I'm sure Amelia would love it!" [Elaine]

"Yes~! Please give us a good show!" [Elise]

It was over. No matter who he turned to, they were all on Grey and Yuna's side. Even Helen and Tilda, whom he just met today and doesn't have a full grasp of what was happening, were encouraging him, cheering on him to jump off the cliff.

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