Chapter 220: The Taste of the Sea

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"I see... So that's what happened... No wonder I didn't see you exit the Labyrinth... You two really are something, huh..." [Jiro]

"Hahaha. We just thought it was a good chance to get some training done." [Grey]

"Un! And there were lots of treasures as well! It was really amazing!" [Yuna]

"That's to be expected. It was the 9th floor, after all. I'm surprised that you could even laugh while talking about something so horrifying." [Jiro]

Three distinct voices echoed in the streets and the sun was reaching its zenith. As they walked ever so leisurely, they were greeted by the wonderful scenery, getting greener and greener, contrasting the blue sea and sky.

As they went further away from the port, less and less houses could be seen. Only nature was the one encroaching, the paths transitioning from stone brick streets to a dry dirt path, grass and bushes growing by the sidewalks.

Not long after, a certain house could be seen, not too big but not too shabby. It was a wonderful house, surrounded by lush and lovely greenery, whole stones embedded on the ground to make a lovely pathway.

"Oh, looks like we're here." [Jiro]

It was, of course, none other than Jiro's lovely home which just screamed comfort and coziness. It may not be like the massive mansions Grey and Yuna had been to before, but a single glance was all it took to tell it was a beautiful home.

It reminded Grey and Yuna of their little cottage back in the forest which has been their first home. Of course, there was also the new house they were constructing in the "Sanctuary", one which was still far from completion.

Knock Knock Knock

"I'm home~!" [Jiro]

Knocks resounded in the air and Jiro's voice soon followed after. It wasn't long before another set of sounds danced in the air, they were rapid footsteps nearing the door, a click and creak adding the final touch as the doors opened widely.

"Dad! You're back!" [Son 1]

"Welcome home, Dad!" [Son 2]

"Dad, did you bring some presents? Did you? Did you?" [Daughter]

Three lovely faces greeted Jiro warmly, jumping to his arms with excitement painted on their faces. If it wasn't for the fact that Jiro was a High-Ranker, they would have all stumbled, falling to the ground with Jiro serving as their cushion.

Well, it wasn't just the three children. After the kids, a lovely lady came out from the kitchen, an apron still wrapped around her waist. There was no need for guessing. The lovely lady was none other than Jiro's beautiful wife.

"Welcome back, Honey." [Wife]

The greeting was also quite different. Unlike the children who just rammed towards him head first, the wife gently approached him, leaned towards his face, and gave him one soft kiss. Married couples really are something.

"You must be tired from work. I'm preparing lunch right now. How about you get inside and take a seatー Oh, we have guests?" [Wife]

The wife stopped, looking at Grey and Yuna with curious eyes. After her, the children also followed, observing who the guests were and tilting their heads as they couldn't quite figure things out. All they saw were two gorgeous strangers.

"Yeah, they're my acquaintances from quite some time back. Sorry for springing this on you, but is it alright if they have lunch." [Jiro]

"Fufufu! Of course. Any friend of yours is also a friend of mine. They're more than welcome to join us anytime." [Wife]

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