Chapter 277: Each One's Preparations

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Flowers by the side of the streets, street lamps hanging under the street posts, and moving carriages heaving in and out of the city. Such was the sight as one walks on the busy streets of such a bustling city.

Well, calling it bustling would simply be an understatement. With how busy people are, there was barely any time for enjoyment, everyone making sure that everything goes well during the upcoming festival in a couple week's time.

"Move it! Move it! Don't let the noise bother you."

"Hey, is there more paint over there?! We need some red ones here!"

"Please pass this to His Lordship. We need a response as fast as possible."

They were running about, left and right, carrying heavy loads and making all sorts of structures all over the city. And it wasn't just the laborers, even the performers and the entertainers from outside the city were doing their best, practicing their shows.

No matter which nook and cranny of the city one looks at, they could feel the liveliness in the air, a hint of passion and determination passing within. It has been going on like such for several days already, and there seems to be no sign of stopping, not even slowing down for some rest.

"Your Lordship, there seems to be a lack of materials and manpower in the 12th district. Should we send some people over?"

"The 12th district...? I'm sure I provided them with enough resources..." [Gerald]

"Ah, about that... Some carriages broke down so the materials didn't arrive on time. They're making do with what we have, but there's still some daily."

"I see... Then send a group over. I will check personally later." [Gerald]

The Mayor was especially restless. With how much work he needed to handle, he barely gets enough rest. While it is true that he is now out of the office and into the field, he wasn't enjoying himself. He was still working.

"Wow... Everyone sure is busy... There's workers everywhere..." [Yuna]

"Mmn... It's even busier than the founding festival back in our Kingdom... Even some of the soldiers are helping out..." [Iris]

"Well, the festival is only a couple weeks away, after all. Dad's goal is to finish everything a week before it." [Violet]

And in that busy crowd, three familiar figures walked down the streets, curious eyes looking left and right. They were planning on exploring the city once again, but with how things are, it seemed like watching the workers work was more interesting.

It has been a few days since the Geldhart Auction, and ever since such a successful event, things have been pretty normal for everyone. They went around places and did a little bit of questing, lazing and playing around in between.

It was especially lively with Garret's shenanigans from time to time, even though he always gets scolded by their parents in the end. It was one of the most peaceful times in Grey and Yuna's lives, barely any troubles coming their way.

As for Iris, she has adapted quite well with life in Erdea. Though she does get lonely, she still sees her family once a week. Grey and Yuna promised the Little Princess to visit her on a weekly basis, after all. It was only for a couple hours, but it was more than enough for them.

"I really apologize, Your Highnesses. Though I want to entertain you, there is still much to do to prepare for the festival. I hope you understand." [Gerald]

"Fufufu! It's fine, Lord Gerald. We're simply here to watch anyway." [Yuna]

"I see... Thank you for understanding." [Gerald]

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