Chapter 219: The Fish Market

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"Lord Jiro, you're the best!"

"Good job out there, Lord Jiro!"

"Hahaha. I'm just doing my job." [Jiro]

Cheers and claps all over the place, a single man skipped atop the water surface and streaked back to the port. The people greeted him warmly as soon as he was back on land, crowding over him with smiles of gratitude across their faces.

And being the man he is, Jiro returned their greeting with an even brighter smile, nodding and waving as he walked, parting the crowd of people. The gloom and depression is no more, only excitement dancing in the air.

"E-Everyone, steer clear! It's dangerous in the waters!"

Well, it was full of excitement until a ragged group arrived, bearing their weapons by their sides and adorned with light armor. They were adventurers from the guild, ready to rush into battle and risk their lives for the people.

Unfortunately for them, they were just a tad bit too late. Everything was already over before they even arrived, confusion painted on their faces as they watched the blue and tranquil waters, a couple of dead serpents floating motionlessly.

"Wh... What happened..."

"Don't worry about it, I already made short work out of them." [Jiro]

"V-Vice Guildmaster! You're finally here!"

It was confusion which turned to relief as soon as they heard Jiro's words. In fact, they were so relieved, some of them lost the strength in their legs and gave out then and there, their bodies still slightly trembling.

"Don't be too relaxed yet. We still have some work to do. We still need to make use of those guys before they drift away. Can I leave that to you?" [Jiro]

"Of course! You can count on us! We'll make sure to dismantle them properly!"

"Good, I'll leave it toー" [Jiro]

He didn't even finish his sentence, stopping halfway through. On the corner of his always-closed eyes, he saw two familiar figures standing quite some distance away, their backs leaning against the wall as they watched the crowd gather around Jiro.

Of course, those two figures were none other than Grey and Yuna. As soon as their eyes met one another's, the two waved their hands slightly with little smiles on their faces. Jiro, on the other hand, simply gestured a slight nod in response.

"Is something wrong, Vice Guildmaster?"

"Ah, no... I just remembered something important... I'll leave you in charge of the Sea Serpents' materials, alright?" [Jiro]

"I'm honored! I'll make sure to live up to your expectations."

"Hahaha. I feel reassured. Just make sure you don't overwork yourselves... Oh, and one more thing......" [Jiro]

Giving out his final instructions, Jiro spent a couple more moments talking with both the adventurers and the fishermen. Neither side voiced out any disagreements and simply nodded along the man's words, putting complete trust on him.

"Then, I'll be heading off now." [Jiro]

"Yes! Thank you for your hard work, Vice Guildmaster!"

Waving his hand goodbye and nodding along everyone's cheers, and as if he was never there, people quickly lost sight of him. And no, it wasn't because he used his "Stealth" ability, the people were simply too excited about carrying out his instructions that they got too distracted.

With everything now done and finished, Jiro headed straight towards one direction, and that is, towards the two youths who were still wearing their light vacation clothes despite the recent disturbance. They were beaming smiles as he approached them.

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