Chapter 256: Triple Stars

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"Grey, I love you." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I love you too." [Grey]

The morning was still young yet a rosy atmosphere was already brewing in the air, hearts floating like bubbles as the young lady fawned over Grey. She was shining brighter than the sun above, smiling like a little, fluffy bunny.

With their little argument yesterday now resolved and over, the two are now as sweet and sappy as one can be. Yuna was now acting more clingy than usual, not wanting to be separated even for a single moment.

As for Grey, he was happy. He really is, but other than happiness, worry also started to brew in his heart. Worry whether he could withstand the temptation and hold himself back from suddenly attacking Yuna like some wild and feral beast.

'Clear thoughts... Clear thoughts...' [Grey]

The young man tried to clear his thoughts, but it was impossible. Especially with two soft and plump things pressing gently against his back, he could barely maintain his consciousness, heart beating wildly.

Though he and Yuna had already gone to that stage many times over, he still couldn't bear to suddenly pounce at her. In fact, when they were making love as of late, he had been rougher and harder to sate. Acts which only brought shame when he came back to his senses.

Well, not just shame, Yuna also experienced body pains the day after, making Grey feel extremely guilty. Especially with Yuna wearing such an innocent and lovable expression on her face. It was a test of guilt and control.

"Grey, look! What's that thing?" [Yuna]

"Hm? Whereー" [Grey]


Grey couldn't even finish his words. As he turned his head to the direction Yuna was pointing at, the latter suddenly leaned close and pressed her soft lips on his cheeks. A kiss which only made his heart flutter even harder.

"Hehehe! Did I surprise you?" [Yuna]

"Y... Yeah..." [Grey]

To top things off, Yuna was acting even more proactively than usual. It wasn't the first time she pulled some tricks to kiss Grey out of the blue, but the latter having been so absent-minded as of late, he always gets caught in it.

A proactive Yuna and an evasive Grey. No matter how one looked at it, the two were currently polar opposites of one another, the former not knowing how much the latter was holding himself back. A time bomb which might explode at any time.

While Grey promised to spoil Yuna rotten for a week, he is already starting to regret it. It was still the first day yet he was already having a hard time keeping his desires under control. The road was still long ahead of him.

"Oh, right! Yuna, do you remember the treasures we got from Torogi?" [Grey]

Desperate to keep his desires under control, Grey racked his brain for topics he could distract himself from. It was only then that he remembered an important task he and Yuna have been putting off.

"Hmn? What about them? Do you want some alchemy ingredients? What and how many do you need?" [Yuna]

"No, no, that's not it. It's just... Didn't we get some a couple beast crystals too? I think it's about time we use them." [Grey]

"Wait, then that means..." [Yuna]

"Yeah, we'll be dropping by the Malus village." [Grey]

Grey and Yuna could summon familiars just about anywhere as long as there is enough space around. But unlike anywhere else in the world, only in Malus village was there a magical tree which could augment the summoning. It was Leif, of course.

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