Chapter 270: Multi-Colored Quests (pt. I)

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Trees, vines, and boulders as far as the eyes can see. The wind whispered and danced, soft rustles drifting in the air as they swayed the leaves and grass. The refreshing scent of greens wafting through the forest.

Each step they took, they ascended through the ever so majestic mountains, twigs and pebbles rolling off the steep slopes, panting breaths pulsing regularly. A familiar figure then stopped her steps, bending over as she gasped for air.

"Iris, you don't need to force yourself. Let's take a rest, okay?" [Yuna]

"Uuu... Sorry for dragging you down..." [Iris]

"Fufufu, don't be. We're here to have fun, remember? We can rest whenever we want. The quest comes second." [Yuna]

"Okay... And thank you." [Iris]

Those figures were none other than Grey, Yuna, and Iris who were on their way on their first quest which asked them to collect Ruruna herbs. And as luck would have it, they have to trek a mountain to reach the location of the herbs. It has been more than an hour since.

And in that considerable span of time, surprisingly, even though she clearly lacked the stamina, Iris managed to hold on and climb the mountain even though it was quite the taxing task. Even then, will is not enough to compensate for her weakness.

Right now, the young princess finally stopped, sitting atop a large boulder to rest herself. Before long, Grey gave her a fresh and cold glass of water. A quick sip and she could feel her fatigue simply washing away.

《Dry》 [Grey]

Of course, they couldn't simply let the princess be drenched in sweat. With a simple flick of his finger, Grey immediately dried Iris and her attire, a cool breeze enveloping her body. The young princess is fresh and tidy once again.

"A-Ah! Thank you, Elder Brother Grey!" [Iris]

"Sure, but are you sure you're fine? I could cast a couple of recovery spells if you're hurting somewhere. Just say the word." [Grey]

"A-Ah, no. I'm fine, really. I just need a little bit of rest." [Iris]

It was good that Iris was fine, but at the rate they are going, it would take them quite a lot of time to reach their destination. It's good that Iris is having fun, but they'll really be going home late if they spend any more time loitering around.

Thankfully, it wasn't like the problem was hopeless, rather, it was quite simple. With just a little bit of thinking, Grey easily thought of a simple solution. He had already done it for Eliza before. Doing the same for Iris wouldn't hurt, though he's thinking of doing it a little differently.

"Alright, let's get going." [Grey]

"Eh? Grey? Iris still needs to rest. Let's take it easy." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Sorry, that's not it... What I meant was..." [Grey]

Grey didn't even finish his sentence. He approached Iris, and without any warning, he suddenly held her by the back and the back of her knees, making her scream a short "kyaa!". Before they noticed it, Iris was already in Grey's arm. Princess carry style.

"E-Elder Brother Grey?! W-What is this?!" [Iris]

"With this, you don't have to walk, right? We could head towards the location while I carry you. That way, you can continue to rest." [Grey]

"T-That's right! B-But! Why is it this way?! Why a princess carry?!" [Iris]

"Hm? Because you're a princess...? Are there any other reasons?" [Grey]

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