Chapter 287: The Festival of Hearts (pt. II)

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Loud cheers boomed throughout the place, people, lions, and elephants bowing their heads time and time again. As applause echoed in the air, people talked about their experience inside the circus, laughing and chuckling to themselves.

Before long, the show finally ended and people started pouring out of the tent. From children to elderly, everyone exiting with a smile on their face. They all enjoyed the show, leaving with their hearts filled with satisfaction and cheerfulness.

"Waah~! That was so fun~! It makes me want to watch again..."[Yuna]

"Me too. Let's watch it some other time, Older Sister Yuna!"[Violet]

"Un! Let's do just that! How about we watch this tomorrow again?"[Yuna]

"Yes! I would very much love to!"[Violet]

It was so fun, everyone couldn't stop thinking about it even after they excited the tent. The extreme stunts, the stunning magic, the circus animals and beasts, and many more. There was a lot to see under the tent, all full of awe and wonder.

"Haven't you had enough of watching it already? I thought this is your what... Fourthー no, fifth time watching it?"[Grey]

"Ehh~? But it's so fun! Isn't it, Iris, Violet?"[Yuna]

"Y-Yes! I agree with Elder Sister Yuna!"[Iris]

"Me too, Older Brother Grey!"[Violet]

Now, Yuna even dragged the young ladies to her side. With such a lineup, there was nothing more he could do. He could only sigh in resignation, letting the girls decide whatever they want to do and follow after them. It was quite enjoyable, after all.

Noon had already passed and so dId lunch. With the sun slowly sinking down the horizon, everyone continued their tour and enjoyed a lot more attractions all over the carnival, stopping by from ride to ride and enjoying things the best way they could.

They also happened to pass by a spooky haunted house, but before they could even suggest anything, the two young ladies with them quickly dissuaded them from doing so, shaking their heads frantically as if their very lives depended on it.

Apart from that, they had lots of fun. They entered a mirror maze, tried out different snacks, and watched a lot of performances. It was a day full of fun, time flying and passing quickly before they even noticed it. Truly a wild ride.

"Ah! Everyone, there's something new over there! Let's try it!"[Violet]

"Fufufu! That looks like fun~!"[Yuna]

It hasn't even been a couple minutes since they exited the tent yet another attraction had caught their eye. There were large spinning wheels, divided into several colored and uneven parts, big needles situated at the top and words written all over them.

An attraction Grey was too familiar with, seeing it all over the television, the internet, and all over the place. A which could spell happiness, gloom, and mediocrity simply by chance and leaving it to fate. It was the "Wheel of Fortune"!

And as it seems, there were a number of prizes laid out all over the stall as well. Be it tiny trinkets, large stuffed toys, and even some cash, one could see all sorts of prizes, each one written on their respective colored slices. As for the grand prize, it seems to be hidden for now.

"Nooo!! I was so close, goddammit!"

"Hahaha, better luck next time, dear customer~."

They have yet to approach the game yet they could already hear a voice filled with despair, a man kneeling to the ground as he suffered a great loss. He was just a couple millimeters away as well. How truly vexing it was.

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