Chapter 278: Brewing Anxiety (pt. I)

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"Mmngh..." [Yuna]

Like a little kitten, a silver-haired lady stretched her arms to greet the new morning, a single groan drifted afloat the air. She rubbed her eyes gently, then gazing off into the distance, eyes still sleepy and mind still not working properly.

Her eyes wandered off left and right, searching for a certain somethingー or rather, a certain someone. She looked at the bedside, near the door, at the curtains, and even under the blanket, staring with her still half-open and groggy eyes.

"Grey...?" [Yuna]

Of course, the one she was looking for was none other than her dearest beloved, Grey. She searched for her black hair, her amethyst eyes, and his bright yet gentle smile. It was still early in the morning yet he was the first one to pop inside her mind.

It has been almost a few weeks since they've arrived in Erdea, and everyday was fun as one can be. They toured the city, they ate lots of delicious dishes, they played a lot in the carnival, helped out with the festival, and did all sorts of fun and exciting things, days filled with smiles and happiness.

However, it was not all fun. With each passing day, Grey had also frequented going out without her. She tries to join him in his quests, but he somehow slips away from her fingers every single time. It has been several days since she woke up beside him.

"Uuu... Grey... Where are you...?" [Yuna]

And it's exactly because it has been several days since Yuna's loneliness had reached its limit, tears now forming in the corner of her sleepy eyes. All she could do was hug his pillow, rolling around as she repeated his name over and over again.

It was just like when they were separated in the labyrinth a few months ago. The only difference was that she couldn't distract herself with battling monsters anymore. She was like a wet kitten, curling down the bed as she covered herself with the blanket.

『Grey... I miss you... Why aren't you here... Are you still mad...?』 [Yuna]

She was so lonely that she unconsciously sent telepathic messages to Grey. It wasn't the first time she did it. In fact, she did it pretty often, everyday for that matter, not making it any easy for Grey who was hearing

Yuna's barrage of longing messages and pleas were like deadly arrows striking his heart, puncturing it like a pin cushion. To top it all off, there was a crestfallen tone present in her voice. The perfect attack to make Grey feel guilty as one can be.

『Yuna, if you're talking about the apple pie from before, I'm not mad about it... I'm just a little busy at the moment with the festival and such.』 [Grey]

『Really...? You're really not mad about it...? Really, really?』 [Yuna]

『Yeah. And tell you what, I'll spoil you lots once I'm finished with everything. Just wait a little more, alright? I promise.』 [Grey]

『Mmn... That's a promise, okay? I love you...』 [Yuna]

『Yeah, love you too.』 [Grey]

Thankfully, Yuna was not very hard to please. Just a single promise from Grey and her heart quickly started fluttering. She was still a little pouty, but feeling a lot better than before, a smile soon blooming on her face as she hugged the pillow tighter,

"That's right, Yuna! You can't let yourself feel down! Grey's doing his best right now so let's also do our best!" [Yuna]

It was a quick recovery, the young lady cheering herself up as she rose up from the bed. Her once sleepy eyes were nowhere to be seen, only sparkly ones filled to the brim with excitement as she hopped off the bed.

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