Chapter 206: Yet Another Cliché

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Neigh Clop Clop Neigh Clop Clop

A single neigh, a couple clops following soon after. Such a series of noises echoed in the air at regular intervals. Along the neighs and clops, a merry chatter rang from time to time. Happy smiles were afloat the place.

"Then, when Cole was born, Dennis cried like a baby again. He was even crying harder than Cole did." [Leah]

"Huh? I'm sure I remember differently, yeah?" [Dennis]

"Fufufu! No, I'm sure you cried. We can even ask the midwife if you want." [Leah]

The couple was yet on another silly argument, which, for some reason, always talks about one of their embarrassing moments . They were arguing in a lively manner, but in reality, it was actually the both of them who were crying back then.

Well, what's important was that there was a merry and cheerful atmosphere looming over everyone. Even the children who hadn't fully grasped the story were laughing in a warm and comfortable manner. Happiness was in the air.

"No, no, I'm pretty sure I'mー Ahh!!" [Dennis]

Neeiigghhhhh Clop Clop Clop

Dennis couldn't even finish his words. He suddenly whipped the reins, stopping the horse from drawing the carriage. A sense of worry was painted over his face as the carriage completely stopped moving.

"Dennis, is something wrong?" [Leah]

"Leah, make sure the kids are safe. We have company." [Dennis]

Such a statement was said with calmness in his voice, but his expressions begged to differ. Sweat was trickling down his forehead and a dry smile forming on his lips. His heart raced uncontrollably as it was swallowed by fear and anxiety.

Before them, about a dozen figures came out of the bushes, surrounding them front, back, and from the side. All of them were equipped with weapons, sharp and ready to kill. There was no mercy nor hesitation in their eyes. Bandits have appeared!

"Kuhahahaha! Today seems to be your unlucky day!" [Leader]

A boisterous laugh reverberated in the air as a burly, scar-adorned man made his entrance. He wielded a large axe, resting it atop his shoulders as he approached the carriage. A disgusting smile was on his face as he spouted such nonsense, his ugly minions following after him.

Yet even with such a sudden entrance, two figures remained unfazed by the bandits before them. They were, of course, Grey and Yuna who already knew about them from the very beginning. They simply stayed quiet so as to not arouse any suspicions.

'Bandits, huh... It's been a while...' [Grey]

There was no sense of worry in Grey's mind. He was simply contemplating when was the last time they fought against bandits. There wasn't much interest in his eyes, only irritation that they appeared before them.

"You seem to not know who I am, so let me introduce myself! I am the Great Bardur! Many called me the Crimson Dragon! Tremble in fear!" [Bardur]

"Hahaha! That's it, boss! Scare them!"

"That's our boss for ya! Kahahaha!"

They were like a lack of hyenas, laughing even though there wasn't anything funny about the situation. Not to mention how cringey their leader's lines were. He was so full of himself when he was only an E-ranker. One who isn't even worth any attention in Grey and Yuna's eyes.

Well, if you compare them to normal people, they are already plenty scary. As proof, Dennis and the others are already trembling at their appearance. After all, no matter how weak, bandits are still dangerous.

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