Chapter 309: Two Against Two

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"Grey, Yuna, why don't you participate in duo matches?" [Archen]

"Huh...? Duos...?" [Grey]

A sudden suggestion rang over the dinner table, catching the attention of two figures. Their spoons stopped moving and their eyes swam towards the direction of the King, tilting their heads ever so slightly as they pondered over his suggestion.

It's been several days since Grey and Yuna arrived in Avalon, and ever since they registered themselves as gladiators, they have been fighting matches each and every single day, honing their swordsmanship as they go.

Well, it's not only their skill in swordsmanship which improved, there was also their fame which now made them the talk of the town. People are even greeting them as they walk down the streets and head towards the colosseums.

"Why so suddenly, Your Majesty? Is that a requirement or something?" [Grey]

"Not really per se... I just thought that it would be a good experience for the two of you. It's an opportunity to learn about trust and coordination." [Archen]

"That does make some sense..." [Grey]

"Well, I don't think you two really need that knowing you've been together for so long. I've seen how synchronized your movements were when you fought against the Azure Sword Emperor. It was exceptional." [Archen]

The King's words were no exaggeration. After all, Grey and Yuna have been together for almost four years now and their teamwork was as solid as steel. They didn't even need to talk to one another, a few gestures were already more than enough.

Of course, there are still some things left to be desired, but they were all too minor to be mentioned. As far as the general public is concerned, their teamwork was already perfect, not a single bit of flaw to be seen.

"That, and I thought it would be interesting as well. I'd like to see you two fight alongside one another once more." [Archen]

And his true thoughts finally leaked out, a troublesome smile blooming on his face. He might not be able to observe them due to work, but it was still interesting to hear how the match went from other people. It would be a nice change of pace.

"I think that's a wonderful idea as well. People would surely be excited." [Queen]

"I'm sure Your Highnesses would dominate the matches, but it would surely be interesting nonetheless." [Crown Prince]

"Yes! You should fight in duos, Grey! Yuna!" [Lisandra]

There was also no disagreement from the other members of the Royal Family. Each and every one of them also suggested that they try out the idea. All except for one, not because he doesn't like the idea, but because he wasn't there.

Despite having stayed at Avalon for a considerable amount of time already, Grey and Yuna have yet to meet the Second Prince of the Graystone Kingdom. They say he's been sick all this time and couldn't attend even if he wanted to. It was a pity but there was nothing they could do about it.

"Hmm... We'll give it some thought, Your Majesty." [Grey]

"Hahaha. I'm looking forward to your response, then." [Archen]

Dinner continued and the night fell deeper. Before long, everyone retired to their own rooms, and tucked themselves in the bed. The sweet lullaby of the night rang inside their ears as they slowly but surely drifted towards dreamland.

And as quickly as night came, the morning sun soon reigned over the world once again. They had breakfast, a bath, and fixed themselves properly. They greeted the new day with a smile, the subtle chirping of the little birds playing music in their ears.

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