Chapter 264: The Rebellious (?) Son

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Clack Clack Clack

A single figure entered, eyes filled with irritation and a mouth arching into a snarl. The once merry atmosphere was now filled with tension, the only sound to be heard was the young man's resounding footsteps echoing through the spacious entrance hall.

His eyes swam left and right, looking at the unfamiliar figures before him as if he was sizing them up. There was no change in his expressions, not even a hint of curiosity. He simply continued his steps, not saying a single word and clearly in a bad mood.

"Garret, where do you think you're going?" [Gerald]

The Mayor opened his mouth and the man's steps finally halted. The sharp-eyed young man then shifted his attention towards the former, unwillingness and distrust brewing in his eyes like some sort of wild beast.

"Where else? I'm going to my room. Now then, if you don't have anything else to say, I'll be taking my leave." [Garret]

"Garret! We're not done talking yet! And what's with that attitude?!" [Gerald]

"What my attitude is is none of your business." [Garret]

The tension rose in the air even higher as the Mayor and the Young Master of the house exchanged words. The young man answered pretty calmly, but one could easily notice the sparks from their stares, rage contained within.

"Garret, we are just worried about you. Where have you been?" [Cynthia]

"Worry,...? Stop spouting such obvious lies. I know full well what all of you are like. You can stop with this useless farce now." [Garret]

"This brat...! When have you learned to talk back to your mother?!" [Gerald]

"Gerald, calm down. There's no need to resort to violence!" [Cynthia]

Now that Cynthia has joined the fray, things have gotten more out of hand. Strong words were thrown here and there, the Mayor barely being held back by his wife. He wanted to give his son a good smacking to make him return to his senses.

It was such a sudden situation that neither Grey, Yuna, nor Iris knew what to do. They simply kept quiet and assimilated with the air, becoming nothing. They have encountered a lot of quarrels, but not one as serious as heavy as the current one. It was quite suffocating.

Though, if there was one thing they noticed, it was that Garret's expression as he talked back to his parents was quiet off. It was stiff and his eyes were shifty, barely able to maintain a straight face. Rather, he was even sweating.

"Enough! I will not listen to your words any longer! I will make sure to expose all your corruption to the world! Mark my words!" [Garret]

"Corruption this! Corruption that! There's no such things!" [Gerald]

"Hah! I won't listen to your lies anymore! My eyes are already open!" [Garret]

"Stop talking and listen for a second?!" [Gerald]

The exchange got louder and fiercer, the father and the son both had irked veins popping on their heads. If Cynthia wasn't there, one could only imagine what could have happened already. A clash of fists is not a far-fetched thought.

"If you're so fixated that we are corrupt, why are you staying here then?!" [Gerald]

The Mayor finally delivered the decisive blow, and the moment it rang inside Garret's ears, he suddenly stopped, unable to argue back. He stopped and thought of an answer, a face full of uncertainty showing clearly.

"Umm... To gather evidence...?" [Garret]

"Gather evidence, my ass! You were the one who was recently meddling with the documents, weren't you?!" [Gerald]

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