Chapter 316: The Reigning Champion

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"Haah... That was exhausting..." [Grey]

The winds rocked like a gentle cradle, words strung along as they rode the breeze. It was a room silent as the dead, the warmth of sunlight barely seeping through the tiny windows and the curtains fluttering softly from time to time.

In such a room, three figures lay motionlessly. One was sitting on the couch laying his back against the seat as he heaved a lengthy. Another was beside him, resting her head against his shoulder. And the last one was looking at them from the other side of the room, giggling to herself.

"Fufufufu! Must be nice being so popular, huh?" [Lisandra]

"Mou... Stop joking around, Lisa... It was so troublesome..." [Yuna]

"Oh my, I never thought I would see the day that Yuna would act so sluggishly. Where has all your energy gone to?" [Lisandra]

Grey and Yuna had just finished all their selected challenge matches, and now they are resting at the wailing room along with Lisandra. Both wore lifeless eyes as they enjoyed the fluff and comfort of the couch, not wanting to part with it.

With them ending every round, it wasn't really physically tiring, however, with all the expectations from their opponents and the cheers from the audience, it took quite a toll on their minds. It was so troublesome dealing with such a crowd.

It would have been fine, save for the fact that some of their fans were too enthusiastic for their own good. Some were even making some weird jingles and waved flash with their names. The embarrassment was really what finished them.

"Lisa, just curious... How often should we accept challenges again?" [Grey]

"Hmm.... There aren't rules regarding that, however, I think accepting one or two a week would be very beneficial. I think it's for the best." [Lisandra]

"I see.... Once or twice a week, huh... That means we need to duel more and more... Haah... And here I thought we could rest for a while..." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Quite unfortunate, aren't you?" [Lisandra]

Or so she said but her expressions begged to differ, merrily enjoying herself as she watched the two be troubled over the challengers. She could only smile at how many more letters would come after today's spectacular events.


The sunlight turned golden and the afternoon wind started to cool down. As the fourth bell of the day echoed all over the Royal Capital, the cheers and squeals across the colosseum started to dwindle down and normalcy returned over the streets.

"Oh? It's already 3 o'clock? I guess it's time to head back..." [Grey]

"Okayー Eh...? 3... O'clock...!" [Lisandra]

However, not all was over. As Lisandra slowly stood up, Grey's words rang over and over inside her mind until such that it crashed like a turbulent plane, panic and chaos struck her heart as she remembered something with much importance.

"Oh, no! I totally forgot! We're going to be late for the match! Grey, Yuna, let's hurry! There's no time to explain!" [Lisandra]

She wasn't just panicking, she was super panicking, grabbing Grey and Yuna's hands without warning and dragging them away, a loud slam echoing by the hallways as the doors were slammed shut, three figures fading into the distance.

There was only urgency traced on her face as she ran, sweating bullets. She turned left and right with such rush, almost crashing into people and things alike, apologizing whilst she rushed off towards the faraway horizon.

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