Chapter 292: Whims and Whimsies

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"Then, I guess this is where we say goodbye." [Grey]

"Hahaha. So it seems, Your Highnesses. Though... We would be more than glad if you would like to extend your stay." [Gerald]

"We're thankful for the offer, Lord Gerald, but we still have a home to return to. We can't be gone for too long." [Grey]

"Un! Everyone's waiting for us." [Yuna]

"Then, it seems there's no way of convincing you anymore." [Gerald]

The Mayor said, shaking his head slightly as a subtle smile bloomed on his face. It has been a fun and wonderful experience being with them for more than a month, and it was something he was thankful for.

Sadly, there is always an end of things and it was finally time to send their farewells. They have already exchanged their last words and also given one another presents, a mountain of stuff filling Grey's "Inventory" after receiving the Mayor's "little" surprise.

And as usual, Grey and Yuna had also given the household a pair of cellphones to use for themselves, and also a camera for Violet to snap the most beautiful things that caught her eyes. Gifts which everyone was happy about.

With that, every little business they have has finally been done and dusted. Aside from exploring more of Erdea, they have nothing left to do. It was finally time for them to depart and say goodbye to the place, happy memories still in their minds.

"Boss, Lady Boss, don't worry. I'll make sure to use everything you've taught me for good. Please rest assured." [Garret]

"Yes. I'll also treasure the camera very well. I'll make sure to surprise you with the most beautiful album there is once you visit again." [Violet]

"Fufufu! It seems we have nothing to worry about then." [Yuna]

"Then, everyone, we're off... Take care of yourselves." [Grey]

"You as well, Your Highnesses. I hope you have a wonderful trip." [Gerald]

There was no need to day any more needless words. Grey and Yuna simply waved their hands goodbye, the others waving back at them. Soon, the two turned around and their footsteps echoed in the air, happy smiles blooming about.

It would have been more efficient to simply use "Gate" then and there, but it would also be less fun at the same time. They wanted to take a final look at the city's beauty before heading off into the distance.

The streets, the house, and the shops and stalls. Everything was as beautiful and colorful as the first time they arrived there. The people were as merry and jolly as one can be, little children still feeling the festival which had already gone by as they ran around the streets with smiling faces.

"Hahaha! Have you seen the show yesterday?! It was hilarious as hell!"

"Tell me about it! My belly was aching all the time!"

"We know. You were even rolling around, laughing, you crazy bastard!"

Of course, there were also quite a few folks who were... too merry for their own sake. They still had the festival spirit in them, laughing aloud in the streets as if they owned them, mocking one another as they recalled yesterday's events.

Well, not that people really minded them, rather, they were quite on board with their rowdiness, laughing along with their antics. The neighborhood uncles and aunties were especially jolly, humoring them as they exchanged greetings with one another.

"Hey, now, take it easy with your merriness. The festival is already over. Why don't you save it for the next one?" [Conrad]

"Sir Conrad! Why don't you come and join us this evening! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!"

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