Chapter 294: Pork Chops for the Little Painters!

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Red, blue, yellow, and all the colors of the rainbow. Streaks of vibrance and beauty ran throughout the walls as the children ran around the place, creating abstract yet beautiful art. The sound of giggles and excitement filled the air.

It was a new day yet again in Grey and Yuna's life, a few days have passed since their sudden promotion. Though it was a little bothersome with the rumor spreading around, their days have mostly been peaceful, enjoyable as one can be.

Actually, it has been too peaceful, with their work going swimmingly, their hobbies fun as one can be, and their relationship as harmonious as usual. It was as if there were no problems in the world, only fun and excitement with the two of them.

"Big Sis~! We need more red~!"

"Here too~! We need red and blue too!"

"Okay~! Just a minute." [Yuna]

Now, they are trying to fulfill their promise back at Erdea to paint their walls with all sorts of colors, the children from the orphanage helping them out as they brushed and brushed with bright smiles springing on their faces.

It wasn't really planned, but as they visited the orphanage as part of their leisurely schedule, they saw the children playing around, some bored with nothing else to do. Children whose eyes shone with excitement as soon as they saw them.

They usually played with the children every time they paid a visit so they were easily surrounded by them. With so much free time in their hands, they decided to do something a little different and asked them to paint the walls in their house for fun, with treats and breaks, of course.

"It's been some time since I've seen the children this lively..." [Sephir]

"Well, it's always a good thing to take some time off from your usual routine from time to time. A break, so to say." [Grey]

"A break, huh..." [Sephir]

"Enjoying new and interesting things like this makes life more fulfilling and memorable, don't you think so too, Priest Sephir?" [Grey]

Commented Grey as he continued his brush strokes, creating delicate lines one after another. To which, Sephir could only look at the smiles on the children's bright faces, nodding soon after with a gentle smile on his face.

"... Thank you very much, Your Highness." [Sephir]

"Hahaha. I'm just doing what any adult would do. Nothing too special." [Grey]

Having experienced an endless loop of work and sleep when he was still "Matteo", Grey knew full well how taxing it was to repeat day after day as if it was the most natural thing in the world. An adult like him already finds it difficult, how much more for the children who were still pure and innocent.

And in that boring and monotonous life, only cooking could give him fulfillment. Well, not that it was still the same in this life. With Yuna around, it was never boring, and he wanted to show the kids that they could have a lot of fun as well.

"Look! I made a dragon! It looks cool, doesn't it?!"

"Ehh?! That's not a dragon! That's a weird red bird!"

"That's a worm with wings, isn't it?! Look! It's so thin!"

"No! That's a dragon! Just look at how cool it is!"

Or so the children argued, however, not even Grey could identify what the child really drew, simply tilting his head as he eyed such a masterpiece. He and Sephir could only look at them with warm eyes as they argued.

It wasn't just them, the other children also painted all sorts of things on their walls. Some of them were quite talented, while some... Well, not so much... There were more on the abstract side of the spectrum, weird and irregular shapes everywhere.

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