Chapter 331: Lobster Risotto and Stuffed Peppers!

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Roses, tulips, violets, orchids, and many more. The whole place was full of life and color, a sweet, aromatic scent drifting in the wind. The butterflies flapped their wings and the birds chirped atop the branches, tilting their heads from time to time.

Over yonder was a sight of blue, lily pads and algae floating on the water surface and reeds growing by the banks of the pond. Ripples appeared from time to time, the little fishes swimming about and the dragonflies bobbing up and down.

What a peaceful day it was... Yet, on that peaceful day, a certain princess' brows are knit tightly, puffing her cheeks ever so adorably with her annoyance brewing deep in her blue eyes. She only looked at the pond and played with the little furballs, ignoring everything else entirely.

"Lisa... Are you still mad over what happened yesterday?" [Lionel]

"My, I have no idea what you're talking about Elder Brother Lionelー Oops! I should call you Your Grace now, shouldn't I?" [Lisandra]

"Hey, Lisa... You didn't need to rub salt on my wounds..." [Lionel]

It is the day after the Carnival of Swords, and after yesterday's events, Lisandra was still sulking about Lionel keeping secrets from her. Not just any secret, but one which also happened to be the biggest scandal in Avalon as of the moment, now published in every newspaper.

Every person in the Royal Capital now knew of the previous Champion's secret, who was in actuality, the "sickly" prince who had been disguising himself. There wasn't really much backlash, but it was definitely shocking.

The most shocked was none other than the Royal Family, especially Lisandra. He had looked up to both Lionel and Deltran for such a long time, and to think they were the same person... It was as if her world suddenly crumbled.

"Lisa, won't you give this older brother of yours a chance? Please...?" [Lionel]

"Hmph! What kind of older brother lies about such an important matter?! And for such a long time as well! Why don't you go into the Grand Colosseum and flail your sword like you usually do!" [Lisandra]

"Lisa... That hurts, you know..." [Lionel]

"And you deserve it! Dummy!" [Lisandra]

Lionel has been trying to court Lisandra ever since yesterday, but his efforts were all in vain. The princess was still sulking quite profusely, not wanting to get involved with her older brother as of the moment.

The prince continued to court and apologize to her, and the princess continued to ignore his advances. Such a scene continued to unfold, two figures watching them from a little distance away, chuckling and giggling to themselves.

"Fufufu. It seems like Prince Lionel has met his match." [Yuna]

"Yuna, you should pay more attention to what you're cooking. Look, the onions are going to get burnt." [Grey]

"A-Ah! Y-You're right!" [Yuna]

It was already lunch time, and so, Grey and Yuna were now cooking some delicious dishes for lunch. A wonderful brew of aroma was floating adrift in the air, the peaceful melody in the background making the place more serene.

It was supposed to be a picnic date with just the two of them, but Lisandra suddenly started tailing them, and soon enough, so did Lionel. They couldn't even say no as neither of the two were willing to listen.

Thankfully, there were the familiars to entertain them. With them around, they could leave Lisandra and Lionel to them and simply go about their lovely picnic plans, now cooking lunch. Grey promised Yuna yesterday, after all.

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