Chapter 27

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"excuse me" I wipe my eyes taking a deep breath trying to sidestep him

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"excuse me" I wipe my eyes taking a deep breath trying to sidestep him.

"I don't know who you're trying to run from but this is not over" Alessandro looks down into my eyes. I can clearly feel how the walls are building up while tumbling down.

"Fine," I mumble, walking past him and starting my journey toward the door. I wonder who is by it right now, maybe one of my friends' contacts. Either way, the timing isn't perfect because my daughter just called the guy I'm trying to banish from this earth with his family daddy.

I open the door seeing Rafael and Adam waiting anxiously close to it. I open the door with my head turned towards them "did you guys check the cam―"

"Hey, cupcake," the man I thought I'd never have to see again says. He dares to try and kiss my forehead. Well, the poor guy got a slap across his face instead.

"what the fuck" he rubs his cheek.

"what the fuck? What the fuck, really?" I mock hitting his chest multiple times.

I'm going to kill him.


"don't call me that" I hit him with the back of my hand this time.

"I'm sorry"

"your sorry, you're fucking sorry is that all you can say for leaving me―" I let out a sound of frustration maneuvering and somehow he ends up on the floor covering his face while I hit him.

"I'm sorry? Is that what you have to say you fucking piece of―" I lift his head to slam it to the ground. I'm a lot more gentle than I intend to be.

"Simone!" Adam shouts and I feel myself lift from the ground.

"let me go" I struggle against the strong arms holding me down.

"Simone calm down" I hear his voice in my ear as a low command. I let out a scoff, taking a deep breath either way.

I look at the man coughing on the floor with nothing but hurt and anger in my eyes. "you don't get to come here and apologize after all these years. You left me now stay dead" I whisper with my voice breaking at the end.

"Mama?" I hear the little voice and Alexandria stumbles around the corner paying no mind to the scene unfolding in front of her.

"yes, baby?" I say softly sniffling feeling Alessandro's arms around me loosen.

"Mommy ow ow" she tilts her head.

"yes, mommy ow ow" I chuckle walking to Alexandria and picking her up.

"you can take the guestroom" I throw out, the words tasting like venom on my tongue.

"thank you, I'm s―"

"save it"

"why are you here?" I ask the man sitting down in front of me, eating the food that Alessandro decided to cook tonight, offering him a plate so kindly.

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