Chapter 42

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"bye daddy!" Alexandria kisses Damon's cheek and I give him a hug.

"you sure about this Monie?" he asks.

"yes Dammy, I trust him" I say.

"Alright, bye muffin―" he let's me go. "bye baby, merry Christmas" he kisses Alexandria's head one last time.

We walk away towards the black car waiting to drives us to the jet. Alessandro opens the door for us, closing it softly after him.

With a silent command the driver starts the short path. "we could've just went with your family" I say.

"they've already been there for a week, Christmas isn't until three days. I thought you'd feel less stressed with just us" he caresses my thigh sofrly with his hand, sending a flood of butterflies through my body.

"sure they will love to have me there" I roll my eyes looking out of the window, the passing airplanes looking so much bigger from this small vechile.

"my mother loves you, you haven't properly met my siblings. As for my father he respects you beyond limits. He knows that I love you, therefore he won't hold a grudge" Alessandro squeezes my thigh.

"I hope so" I say, the car stops in front of a huge black plane. Lombardi enterprises is written in golden bold letters on the side, my eyes widen.

"how much does this cost?" I ask, not even sure if I could pull this off.

"you don't want to know" he shakes his head.

We leave the car outside of the huge mansion. The nearly looks like a castle with its engravings and statues. A fresh breeze rushes past me, I shiver.

"let's go, the maids will bring our bags inside" Alessandro places a hand on my lower back, urging me to walk towards the house while he holds Alexandria.

He rings the doorbell before bending down to whisper in my ear. "tell me if you get tired, or need to sit down" he kisses the side of my head.

We found out I had a minor concussion as well, but I feel fine now. My ribs and lung have healed nicely.

"of course" I say putting on my best smile as the door opens.

"Fratello!" a young girl swings the door open. She looks like the spitting image of her mother.

"Mariabella!" Alessandro hugs her.

"Simone" I smile at her when she turns to me, she sends me a wave with a rose coating her cheeks.

"she's shy" Alessandro whispers.

"hi, Alexandria my name" my daughter smiles at the girl with a glint in her eyes. I instantly know she's found who she's going to cling to for this entire holiday.

"I'm Mariabella" she says.

"Bella means beautiful" Alexandria says. Alessandro's sister nods, the sound of heels coming from behind her.

Two women pops out of nowhere. One of them I recognize as Alessandro's mother, the other looks like a mix of Alessandro's parents.

"you made it!" Annalise smiles widely pulling me into her chest which throws me off slightly but I welcome it.

"this is Lupe, Lupe this is your sister in law" Annalise pulls away introducing me to Alessandro's other sister.

"ma" he hisses. She holds her hands up.

"it's nice to meet you" I smile at the woman before me.

"likewise" she smiles.

The two show us to our room. I had to apologize to Maria when Alexandria insisted on staying with her, she told me a thousand times she didn't mind.

Alessandro left me to settle in, telling me to come find him in his office when I was done.

I wonder down the hallway to the large oak door in the end. I raise my hand to knock hearing a gruff come in.

"oh, I thought Alessandro was in here" I say after entering the office only to find Eduardo sitting at the desk.

"he should be back in a few minutes, you could sit down" he says.

Despite my discomfort I find myself sitting down in the chair. If I want it to work with Alessandro I have to get along with his father.

"you have a beautiful home" I compliment looking around the office.

"Grazie, it has been in the family for decades" he looks up from his papers, clasping his hands together. I cast a glance to the wooden cane with a silver eagle on it.

The big eagle.

"you know I lost four of my men that day, not two" he says.

"what do you mean?" I dare to ask.

"two of my men died in eachother arms" he says looking deep into my eyes. "the other two were found dead at the side of the road" he continues.

"after they shoot my parents, right?" I say, not too sure anymore.

"their car was stolen Simone, the Italians didn't kill them. There was a war bubbling on the surfice" he tells me.

"but if it wasn't the Italians, and the car got stolen" my brain is working too fast for its own good, trying to comprehend that it's been feeded lies for the past years.

"the Russians" I sigh dropping my head into my hands.

After all this time I find ouy I've been going after the wrong people the entire time. This is what I get for being lazy with my research.

"bingo" he nods.

"Mr Lombardi, I am so sor―"

"it's already forgotten. They were close friends of mine, wouldn't stop talking about their wonderful daughter" he says deep in thought.

"they'd be proud of you, you know. You've come a long way, all on your own" he says.

"you think?" I say.

"I know" he assures me.

"I mean, no one has ever been this close to slaughtering the other gangs in over thirty years. You did it in Lee's than a decade" he says.

"you outsmarted us Devlin, they'd be proud" he says with a soft smile.

They'd be proud.

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